Prof. Ilya Somin How can Immigration boost Liberty?

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Prof. Ilya Somin returns to explain how Immigration promotes and even secure liberty, not only for migrants themselves, but also for natives. He talks about improving life of people fleeing dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and poverty and how this movement reflects (positively) in the economy and society of more open countries.

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I just returned from London where I stayed for a week. During my stay I came across two guys who actually spoke English and had British accent. I was very confused. My first reaction was- are you lost? What are you doing here.

London is facing many problems and I can't help but wonder to what extent is unrestricted immigration to blame. Every group spoke their own language and every group was living in their own little island. There was no unity, only fractured society. I can see why the Left is so petrified of clamping down on personal freedoms and speech in particular. That fractured society seems like a push away from chaos. Any little thing could blow the whole thing up. People don't even speak the same language, let alone share values and customs. I don't see that society as strong.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


In Germany more than half of the people who get government benefits, because they are unemployed and 2 thirds of all people that get government benefits, including those who work, have a migration background. What is beneficial about that?


Why is it OK for other countries to limit their immigration and only accept educated professionals, but that's not OK for the USA? My wife & I looked into emigrating from the USA to Australia and found that they require immigrants to be professionals in certain trades/industries to allow them in. My wife & I do qualify, and we may ultimately decide to go, but we want to visit first. I just wonder why it's fine for Australia and other countries to do this and the USA is vilified for even suggesting any limits on immigration.


It would be good to have immigrants that truly believe in the American ideal, but unfortunately many aren't. So we need to be careful who is let in. Many asylum seekers don't actually need to come to the US to escape imminent danger, those who come here are mostly doing so for economic benefits. People with this mentality would likey persue more walfare/social policies.


If immigration only helps big countries, what does emigration do to the countries people are fleeing from?


Who cares if your neighborhood is no longer safe and your house value plummeted, I can get a mcdouble for 20% cheaper


funny, he speaks of empirical evidence but everything he says has shown empirically to be wrong in Europe (Im from Germany) since 2015. he mixes up very different things.
in general a regulated migration is ok. Due to US/EU enforced political sanctions we are unable to hire promising engineers from Iran. Thats very bad. I, myself an engineer too, plan to migrate and work in a foreign country. What he is talking about (apologetically) is uncontrolled mass migration (so called refugees) . Those migrants exploit and eventually will kill our up untill now working social systems, most of them will never get a job (we have 4th gen migrants here not being able to speak a single word of german) least be "entrepreneurial active" or something, they are mostly uneducated and uncultured and destroy our own culture, too.
we have got lots and lots of crime (murder and rape rates unknown before) due to uncontrolled mass migration, for a historically first time there are no go areas, uncontrollable clan criminality and so on...
This is why tax payers like me have to pay 60 % taxes + social insurance payments. it is a catastrophe for our country and our people and our PRODUCTIVE economy. saying it is good for gdp is like saying a hurricane is good for gdp, because people have to build up everything what they lost. it is a totally warped understanding of economy and liberty.


Calling a migrant (a foreigner who returns to their country of origin) or invader (a foreigner intending harm to a nation and its people) an immigrant (a foreigner who intends to become a citizen of another country) is disingenuous at best. Very few if any people are immigrating to 2nd and 3rd world countries with the intent on improving them, while many are immigrating to 1st world countries with hope of better lives. When restrictions are placed on the number of immigrants allowed annually because the number of migrants and invaders is twice their number, then maybe the recourse is to end open border policies to allow more actual immigrants. After decades of unrestricted migration we have the negative consequences of increased crime and increase expense. One person's liberty cannot be achieved at the expense of someone else's, yet that is the cornerstone of open borders.

Also, someone who demands of their host nation the very thing they are supposedly seeking refuge from is NOT a 'refugee'. If anything they are an 'agent provocateur', so calling them refugees does not serve the point you are attempting very credible. America cannot support the entirety of humanity, so stop promoting the ideal that somehow that is exactly what we are supposed to do.


I appreciate the video. I would like to learn the sources for many of the claims made though. For instance, that new immigrants dont have significant political power or the power to change the political landscape. California is a perfect example of what uncontrolled immigration does to the political landscape of a society. California was once one of the richest states and also solidly Republican. A few decades worth of the importation of low-skilled and undereducated masses has turned that state into socialist paradise of unfunded liabilities, welfare programs, and extraordinary poverty.


liberty requires order, which is not achievable when the ethnic conflicts that characterize many modern diverse societies require an orwellian police state to mediate them.


The irony here is. I don't think the channel with the name "Learn Liberty" can even define the word liberty. It means The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power. Sure the less govt you have the more prosperous the people are. But this whole vid is just about letting the govt decide. (facepalm)


The Vandals gave the same speech to the Romans.


This video is a complete LIE. (A comedian must have created this video.)
Obviously this channel has been taken over by the enemy.


Throughout this video you don't mention the 2 key words...
Legal and Illegal.

Are you wanting to increase legal or illegal immigration?


Oftentimes, immigrants don't appreciate or simply are ignorant about what makes the foreign country better than the one they are emigrating from. It also does not help that the citizens of the very country they are immigrating to, are clueless about why their country is so great for immigration. For example, America, since it's conception, was a free society. A society where you are free to take risks and allowed to succeed or fail at your own risk. When Americans back then knew the real meaning of freedom, even immigrants knew what they were gaining by moving to America. But now, how many Americans know what real freedom is? How can immigrants be expected to know what freedom means when the society they are vying to assimilate into has no idea of it themselves?


🤦‍♂️ “the political gap between immigrants and natives is a lot closer than suggested” yeah 90% of Hispanic migrants voting democrat is definitely close (I’m Dominican I just know bs when I hear it)


This video is only a one party view he only show the benefits immigration has... I in Paris suburbs and immigration has made the place where I live less safe I will move out to the countryside to ensure safety but for how long the great replacement sucks !


All these things are only true if you distinguish between people who can and want to contribute to your country and those who cannot or don't want to. Which is exactly the big point in the discussion, you got to look at that or you set yourself up for trouble.
I'm german, I see that regularly


Not sure one argument in this video had a shred of truth to it, instead they all points are obvious fallacies that can be seen through with common sense.


Around 4:40 this is a very well crafted, dodge argument. Yes "their political" views on issues like abortion will not be much out of line with the native population. But they can still VOTE tribalistically (the pro immigrantion, pro welfare party) regardless of what their single issue answers would suggest. This effect varies depending on the minority.
