What is Cartridges | Salesforce Commerce Cloud Tutorial for Beginner | SFCC [Updated 2024] - igmguru

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In Salesforce Commerce Cloud, "cartridges" refer to modular units of code that contain functionality to extend or customize the platform's capabilities. They are similar to plugins or modules in other software systems. Cartridges allow developers to add new features, modify existing functionality, or integrate with third-party systems without directly altering the core codebase of Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Cartridges are organized into a hierarchical structure, with each cartridge containing specific components, such as templates, controllers, scripts, stylesheets, and configuration files. This modular architecture promotes code reusability, scalability, and easier maintenance of the Commerce Cloud applications.

Developers can create custom cartridges to meet specific business requirements or leverage pre-built cartridges provided by Salesforce Commerce Cloud or third-party developers from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Marketplace.

Overall, cartridges are a key aspect of extending and customizing Salesforce Commerce Cloud to tailor it to the unique needs of individual businesses.
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