The Six Steps of GIS Problem Solving (7/7): Step 3 - Bonus Material

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Hopefully, after going through this video series, you will understand the difference between the ways the GIS professionals approach GIS projects and the way that novices do.

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Dr. Robinson, I'm so glad I stumbled over your Youtube channel! I'm looking to start a second career doing GIS after earning a geography degree in the early '90s and not touching it since due to a different career path. I've been getting back up to speed on GIS software with Coursera but your videos on broader geography topics have been a great refresher! Your GIS-specific videos are exceptional too and I liked this one in particular as it gave me some ideas of how I can pitch my previous work experience as relevant to GIS work. Anyways, your passion for geography and teaching clearly shine through and I wish I had the opportunity to attend an in-person lecture given by you.


These information is so relevant, i am glad to stumble across your channel. I am sifting through your whole and the information here is timeless. Thank you.


In my country, there is no available data that I can rely on. I specified the question and I designed a well-organized methodology to solve these problems but then I realize that there is no data that serve my needs to answer the question


Thank you so much Dr.
Looking forward to ur new another video


Fantastic videos!

If we have a GIS-related question, is there by any chance an email address we can contact you by?
