Italian Reacts To Hey - Arahja (Woodstock2017)

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This is a cover of a song by the (Polish) post-punk band Kult from 1987. The song originally referred to Berlin divided by a wall. Nowadays, it can be associated with a society divided by politics. Supposedly, this was Kasia's last performance with the band Hey.


My home divided by a wall
The stairs divided by a wall
The bathroom on the left side
The kitchen on the right side

My home divided by a wall
The stairs divided by a wall
The bathroom on the left side
The kitchen on the right side

My body divided by a wall
Ten fingers and toes on one side
The other ten on the opposite side
My head split right in half

My body divided by a wall
Ten fingers and toes on one side
The other ten on the opposite side
My head split right in half

My street divided by a wall
The right side glowing with neon lights
The left side all pitch dark
I'm observing the both sides from behind a curtain

My street divided by a wall
The right side glowing with neon lights
The left side all pitch dark
I'm observing the both sides from behind a curtain

My street divided by a wall
The right side glowing with neon lights
The left side all pitch dark
I'm observing the both sides from behind a curtain

The left side never wakes up
The right side never falls asleep
The left side never wakes up
The right side never falls asleep
The left side never wakes up
The right side never falls asleep


Ona śpiewa tak naprawdę o Polsce.. że jesteśmy wciąż przez kogoś skłócani ze sobą, przez wpływy polityczne ze wschodu i zachodu, a tak naprawdę jesteśmy jednym wspanialym narodem, który się zawsze jednoczy w chwili zagrożenia.. I tu na koncercie autorka zobaczyła tą jedność i stąd to wzruszenie ❤☺️


Btw. most of people mentioning Berlin's Wall (which is obvious looking at the lyrics) but it can also be interpreted as a song about Iron Curtain wall or even politics overall - as usually we have right and left wings there too which divides society.


And as for the band hey - they have a song called moja i twoja nadzieja (my and your Hope) that was used after the Odra flood.


This song is veeery emotional, pls find lyrics for this song and You will understand, it was about berlin wall, iron courtain, and End of communism itself, it was one of the most important song at that time in history


Look for Kult - the original band of this song, also "Polska" :)


Really important song 4 us. 500, 000 people and half was with tears in their eyes. Woodstock in PL is positive chaos, everybody is drunk and noone fights. Biggest was Metallica in Moscow in ~1991 i think. Sabaton is great :) 40:1 is my favorite. Oh... pogo there was just another dimention.


This song is about both about Berlin Wall and more general divisions between people. About wall that divides.


At the beginning she says she dont have own good songs, so she will sing someone's one.


Hi, please repair your wall as I always try to clean my screen when watching 😂😂


Unfortunately, videos from Woodstock Festival Poland / Pol'And'Rock don't have subtitles :(

All you can do is to search the Internet for lyrics.


You have to learn / get the texts first! In Polish song lyrics are VERY important! Without the lyrics you get less than half of the song value. There are meaningless songs here too, but generally the ones your subscribers recommend Do have a meaning, message, idea, don't loose it, please.


what do you understand from this, Finnish guy, nothing! because Poland is divided into left and right!


Ewa Farna also sang a cover of this song


1:39 quella è la bandiera dell'Irlanda, ha l'arancione, non è il tricolore.


Jeśli chcesz super piosenkę to posłuchaj "Kombajn Do Zbierania Kur Po Wioskach - Lewa Strona Literki M"


This is a very emotional song for Poles... it's about the communist times, you there, the Taliban Italians, you will never understand it


Teksty piosenek może znaleźć w necie w języku angielskim. Ponadto mogę ci podpowiedzieć, że reakcje na Polskę robi też jeden Brytyjczyk i jak mu się coś spodoba to ma kumpla Polaka, który robi mu tłumaczenia. No i jest już AI, która koślawo ale podpowiada jak wpiszesz czego szukasz i tłumaczenia googla też można zrobić.
