SOULFATE written by Teresa Geering (another friend of Ravenous trailer)

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Shasta's life takes a supernatural turn when she meets a stranger in her tiny village. Her newly adopted stray cat is hostile toward the enigmatic Erasmus, betraying the paranormal essence of her feline companion. Naive, unprepared for love or a soulmate from the past and future, Shasta is plunged into a reality where realms warp and meld, and where she is their conquest. Time is not linear and love is never simple. Time plays foul with every expectation and all is not as it seems.

A wise woman may have the answers in each life the lovers walk through. She knows Shasta in every era and meets Erasmus in different guises. When Erasmus is put under a spell to become a book, she is his keeper. And May, in every life, takes care of a little black cat called Merlin. Faery Queen Amelia is aware of the complications time creates. She is powerful in magic and seeks to aid eternal love to a happy ending, but it is a truth that all crossing time must always expect the unexpected.

True love can cross oceans, can make the fixed malleable, and can warp boundaries. When the soul and fate collide, Shasta falls in love with her soulfate.
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