Salvation Comes From a Promise, Not Works (God’s Promises Are Forever) - Galatians 3:15-18

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The message is called “Salvation Comes From a Promise, Not Works (God’s Promises Are Forever)”

0:00 Introduction
2:53 The Scripture Declares God Will Keep His Promises (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 55:11)
4:07 The Promises of God are Exceedingly Great and Precious (2 Peter 1:4)
5:07 Examples of promises in the Bible: #1 Rest to the weary
5:20 #2 Help in time of need
5:33 #3 Always love us
5:46 #4 God is always good
6:01 #5 Gives us peace
6:06 #6 Always will answer us
6:18 #7 Always with us
6:29 #8 He is kind and compassionate
7:02 #9 Works all things for the good
7:28 #10 To strengthen you
7:36 #11 To meet your needs
7:43 #12 Gives eternal life and joy
7:56 Many of These Promises Are Conditional - (Proverbs 3:5-6; John 15:7; James 4:7)
10:40 Many Are Not Conditional (Genesis 12:7; Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:38-39)
13:55 How We Inherit the Promises of God (Hebrews 6:12)
15:20 A Great Resource for the Promises of God - “The Jesus Pocket Promises”
17:26 Galatians 3:15 - A Covenant is an Official Promise - We would call it a contract
20:22 A Unilateral Covenant - A One-Sided Covenant
20:34 A Bilateral Covenant - A Double-Sided Covenant
20:43 The covenant of Abraham was one-sided (Genesis 15:9-14)
22:10 Psalm 105:8-11 - An everlasting covenant
22:55 Isaiah 54:10 - The Abrahamic covenant
23:29 Galatians 3:16 - To Abraham and his Seed were the promises made
24:27 Genesis 22:15-19 - A picture of Christ, the Seed
31:17 Galatians 3:17 - The Law, being a covenant, cannot annul the covenant by God
32:45 The Law was the Mosaic covenant (Exodus 19:5-6)
33:17 Galatians 3:18 - God gave it to Abraham by promise
37:42 We have a new covenant - The Last supper - Communion
38:20 Closing prayer

We pray that you are blessed by the message!

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Рекомендации по теме

Salvation is salvation from our former sins, our former selves. Eternal life in heaven is given to those who are reborn to endure temptation thereafter to the end.
