[S2S Webinar Series] AIML methods for S2S prediction Video_Jan. 2021
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1) Peter Dueben (ECMWF)
Title: An overview on the use of machine learning to predict weather and climate
2) Marlene Kretshmer (U. Reading)
Title: Quantifying Teleconnection Pathways using Causal Networks
3) Zheng Wu (ETH Zurich)
Title: Extended-range predictability of stratospheric extreme events suggested by dynamical mode decomposition.
4) Michael Sheuerer
Title: Using artificial neural networks for generating probabilistic subseasonal precipitation forecasts over California
1) Peter Dueben (ECMWF)
Title: An overview on the use of machine learning to predict weather and climate
2) Marlene Kretshmer (U. Reading)
Title: Quantifying Teleconnection Pathways using Causal Networks
3) Zheng Wu (ETH Zurich)
Title: Extended-range predictability of stratospheric extreme events suggested by dynamical mode decomposition.
4) Michael Sheuerer
Title: Using artificial neural networks for generating probabilistic subseasonal precipitation forecasts over California
[S2S Webinar Series] AIML methods for S2S prediction Video_Jan. 2021
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