VINTAGE COOKBOOK HAUL and where I find them! Vintage Cookbook Review and Recipes

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It's a vintage cookbook haul! Join me as I show off some of my latest acquisitions, and answer questions about where to find vintage cookbooks.


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Always enjoy rummaging through a thrift shop or flea market!!


New New. Yes!!! I love good ole cook books. Rather them then internet any day. Love them. Tyfs


Omgosh someone who is a cook book junkie like me. I am so glad to find you. I never thought about reviewing my stash of cook books. I just bought 5 books this past weekend.


I remember having the "Joy's of Jello" but I think it was smaller and soft bound. I don't believe we used many of the recipes, but it sure was fun looking at the pictures.


As a vintage cookbook collector as well, I must agree with your findings on "independent" thrift stores. You're more likely to find "our" books in the local/one-off church/hospital/charity thrift stores. And I like knowing that I'm helping a local charity.
I have found that the Goodwill chains in my area of Central Florida have SEVERELY reduced their literature offerings and replaced them with more clothing, etc. Honestly, almost any and all types of media (books, CDs, DVDs, etc) have all been minimized (sad face).
THANK YOU for your channel!! It gives me hope and makes my heart smile :)


There's an independent thrift store near me that does a lot of house clearances - I'm guessing many elder folk pass away and the trucks pick up the furniture and stuff and so that means I often see tons of vintage cookbooks! The store sells them for a $1!!! I know I probably sound greedy, but I go in and grab the lot! I used to feel a bit self conscious, but then I realized (and you mention this too) that someone else could buy them all up to sell on to make money. I buy them because I love them - I feel I've rescued them and giving them a safe home! It's really cool to discover other people who's hearts are into this too. Some folk read sci-fi novels, some read thrillers, others fashion magazines, and many indulge in porn mags, and we read vintage cookery books! And I've been known to take them on holiday with me to read too lol!


Wonderful sharing my new friend 👍great cook book, my dear


Wow.. thanks for the review..
Love ur vintage cookbook recipes.
Enjoyed watching 😊🤩


Omg what a great haul! I used to pickup so many like this from the thrift shops & yard sales but let them all go when we moved. That is the best cooking, excited to see more of what comes from all those awesome books. Cheers! =)


I loved listening to you share your love for vintage cookbooks. 11 years old? You must have quite a collection. I’d watch your videos documenting your move! Hey…remember I live in California too! The Bay Area to be more exact.


The Joy of Cooking is a staple! I have the one that was given to me as a wedding gift in 2000 (published in 1997) and the one from my grandmother's kitchen (published in 1975) I treasure them both. Good luck on the move!


I inherited vintage cookbooks from my great grandmother and great great grandmother. I absolutely love going through them and I also tried some of the recipes. Loved this video, thanks for sharing😊


I also like Vintage cookbook and I am learning a lot of recipes from it. Some I got from a family hands me down cookbooks and some I got from second hand book store. You have a great books haul .


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I love cookbooks ! And your vidéos are really Nice ! Deep in the childhood. I subscribe


I love these... I have a small collection and so enjoy your videos


OMG I HAD THAT COOKBOOK FOR KIDS Good luck with your move, Anna. I'll be here for you upon your return 💛


Love cookbook hauls. Very nice you got the Joy book. I have one. I have noticed it on the shelf in some of your more recent videos. Cannot believe what you paid for it!!


I enjoyed this a lot. I’ve wondered where you find your cookbooks!
I think it would be fun if you documented your move! It lets us get to know you a bit more away from your kitchen.
Good luck and safe travels on your move♥️


Awesome! My mom still has that busy-lady cookbook. That’s a great haul, Anna! 👍🏻

Good luck with your big move! I had no idea you were going across the country! I’d watch any moving-related content. In fact, I’ll check out anything you feel like sharing. Take care and stay safe! 🙂
