Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Goes Against Party & Exposes Their Insane Hysteria | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Tulsi Gabbard debunking Democrats talking points on the don't say gay bill. Tulsi Gabbard, who is one of the few remaining moderate democrats, succinctly defends Florida’s parental rights in education law by debunking the insane don't say gay talking points of her fellow Democrats and discussing the proper place of sex education in America’s public schools.


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Families are responsible for teaching their children a moral foundation, not the government. Absolutely nailed it.


This is what I've been saying!!! What about preschoolers, daycare, and kids above 3rd grade!!! This law should be extended and GLOBAL.


Love Tulsi, she is always consistent in what she stands for and doesn't sway from it.


Amen Tulsi. That New Florida law should extend to all grade levels.


DNC: 'we want a female VP'
DNC: but not Tulsi, she's the wrong type of woman. We want black, hispanic or M.
And that illustrates the divisive narrative of the Democrats.


I’ve been saying this for years… Tulsi Gabbard was the best possible democratic candidate in the last 6 years


"How about 12th grade?" YES, Tulsi! You go girl! I'm with you! The Florida bill is a good start, but it needs to go harder.


I love Tulsi! I am a gay moderate conservative, and truly hope that the actions of the crazy democrats toward her lately will help her move over to join the party of common sense.


Tulsi's true beliefs are rising to the surface past her political self now that she's not surrounded by the evil spin merchants. She's probably the most honest person in the Demsasters. Her idea is by far the best I have heard in a long time. Grade 12. Do you hear that Governor Ron. Make it so. Don't be held hostage. Go all out and fix it right.


Why did this woman not continue in politics she is a voice of reason . I hope she runs for the Senate


I agree that the government should stay out of the child rearing, moral teaching business period.


Will any conservative start asking Tulsi about gun control, her affiliation with the WEF, or why she voted for AND endorsed Biden for president if she is so enlightened about his corruption?


DeSantis / Gabbard could be a winner if she switched affiliations.


How can Gabbard say all these wonderful things like "The government has no place in our personal lives" but be against 2A. I want to love her but how can you be military but be against Americans owning guns!?


I agree. Public schools can teach "Biology"...that is it. NOT what everybody wants to do with their biology.


Tulsi was right on, schools must focus on educating the children in real life skill subjects like maths, science, American history etc. and the children DO NOT need to know about sexuality and they will learn of it when they grow old enough


Does Tulsi still want me to pay reparations for something my ancestors didn't do?

Does Tulsi still want to ban or confiscate my legally obtained and owned firearms?

In Congress, Gabbard has co-sponsored bills that would ban assault weapons and require background checks for all gun purchases, including closing what is known as the "gun-show loophole."

She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity clips [sic].

The U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District, Gabbard is the only current presidential candidate who is also a co-sponsor of H.R. 40. This bill establishes the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans.

This is how countless clueless folks can be fooled by a pretty face and a slick delivery.

This is exactly how Trudeau gained his dictatorial powers in Canada. Just take the red pill, please.


Tulsi is how I wish all the Democrats were? But as we know sanity has never been a strong suit in that party! And Elon Musk is just a smart sensible guy, He clearly sees their hypocrisy. Florida'a Governor is the best! Every damn state should follow his lead.


I completely agree! It’s been surreal hearing politicians referring to this young age group, AS IF this poison should be taught to ANY of our children.❤️


Thank you Tulsi, I would vote for you!
