Conscious Parenting, Brain States and Subconscious Programming

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Super cute Miles! Thank you Dr B for saying what is one of the most important and responsible tasks for parents to teach—how to be a good, compassionate human! ✨♥️✨


This lesson is as brilliant for parents as it is terrifying! My oldest is 6, I wish I was more conscious of my behavioural impact on him when we was born. The the first thing we need to do is put our bloody phones down!


This is amazing. I figured this out years ago when my younger brother asked why I was so successful at not only escaping our family but conquering my life. I thought about where my mom must have been mentally when conceiving us. Actually, I first thought about the labor...
My older brother took many painful hours to be delivered. Me, smooth sail. My younger brother, had the cord around his neck so emergency c-section.
My older brother caused us a lot of pain and torture. He abuse me and my younger brother, got into hard-core drugs, and lost his mind. No one knows where he is today, but last I heard all his hair is white. He should be 32 this year. My father was very abusive and angry all the time, so I imagine my mom was really struggling while pregnant.
My younger brother... my mom wanted to abort him. She didn't want another child from my father. And even after the c-section, she was emotionally most distant from him. He never even thought of her as a mom. Today, he's also schizophrenic like our older brother. He's in some weird group home/shelter situation. He accepts help but is very hard to live with. A lot of entitlement, a lot of need to spend money that's not his.
So I wondered... how did I get so lucky?..
And it was an obvious answer. Within the year after conceiving me is the year my parents were preparing to move to the USA. My father had dreams of owning his own business (today he farms) and my mother excited for a richer life.
It makes sense... because after I left home, I left college and really quickly became business minded. I didn't get my first real job till I was 26 years old and learned that I am extremely hard working and have the perfect skills for drawing in a lot of people. I just joined a gym to start working on different areas of my life and already I know all the staff and made friends. I'm attracting a lot of richer people in my life as well, which would make my mother proud because that's the American dream she programmed in me.
I'm very lucky to have been conceived at the peak of my parents short lived marriage. But still heart broken for my brothers and half sisters I'm forbidden to see. I can honestly say my life is perfect now, but what a lonely road here. 😔
We have a lot of power in us!


I’m in the middle of generational trauma. I realized what was going on when my children were just past the subconscious period. I managed to help my youngest with meditation and healing frequencies but my oldest doesn’t believe this so won’t listen to me. Eventually she will grow up and I hope she learns this soon to help heal her past traumas. Thank you for producing awesome videos


Bruce Lipton is one of the best when you want to program and design your own life.


I wish this was a mandatory video for every parent to be or current parent to watch. This is such critical information to get out to the masses. Thank you Dr. Lipton for teaching us. If I could like this video 1 million times, it wouldn’t be enough! xo


Love you Bruce Sir ❤️
You were the one who first showed me hope when I most needed it 🙏


I was missing you Dr.Lipton! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. 😊


Lol, your grandson is so happy and privileged to have you as his grandfather!
I'm sure he'll be well aware of that once he grows older.
I wish you both all the best!


Such a blessed family Dr Lipton. There was little to no knowledge or insights to suggest that we were here to be the best we can be when i was a child. Not by family school nor community that felt relatable to me. Here in Wallsend n.e of england, my parents were teenagers when i was born. Probably not the best idea. Gotta make the best. I have been blessed to finally see the "hows" in my calm Alpha i believe, and started awakenning to Unconditional Acceptence, Forgiveness and Love. I am 50 and have been in the process of re-programmming self Worth for about 3 years now Thanks to folk like you being here in YT world. May you continue to be blessed. Love and Respect to you all


Oh man, I had a throat surgery when I was 5 then my best friend died in a plane crash when I was seven. Those events had major effects on me and my focus in life.


Thank you Bruce An very special thanks to Miles ❤❤❤


I see the sparkle in the eyes of both you and Miles ! Pure joy.


Well done Miles. Well done Bruce. Love to you both ❤


Thank you miles, for helping with the video and adding all your wisdom and cuteness.
Thank you both so very much for the enlightening video.
❤ 🙏 🕊


Watched it twice. Wished I knew this information when I raised my children.


I had what I would consider a traumatic experience at 7 years old. Maybe not by mental health standards but I made a decision and it carried through in my lifetime from a tiny scar in the heart of a child. I’ve done extensive writing and am able to look at it more objectively. It’s important to know the stages and to be aware of words and actions. Miles was wonderful with his grandpa in conveying this info.


Super teaching. Thank you Miles and Bruce ye make a great team!


I work with toddlers everyday this is so resonated I wish more colleges and parents acknowledge this
Thank you for share


Bruce you are a force of love . I simply love you 🥰 ❤
