How to Clip In Luxy Hair Extensions

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Note: I'm using my Super Luxurious 160 gram in shade Mocha Brown 1C set here straight out of the package. It is 20" in length, and has not been trimmed.

The original video we have done on How to Clip in Luxy Hair Extensions was shot years ago when we just started the business and the lighting was a bit off, it was too long and the audio was mehhh...just okay...hehe so we wanted to shoot something of a better quality for you guys, so it's easier to follow the video when you are clipping in your Luxies:)

Let us know how you like it in the comment box:)

Love you guys!

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FTC Disclaimer: We are co-founders of Luxy Hair and all opinions are our own. This video is not sponsored by any other third-party.
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You both have truly helped so many girls gain confidence by creating such an affordable and good quality product. I also am not blessed with thick long hair naturally and I swear your extensions have literally helped me feel beautiful and confident with my appearance. Please do not stop the amazing work you beautiful ladies are doing as I now I will be needing your extensions my whole entire life as they are the only ones I love, trust and rely on! So on behalf of myself and others, I would like to thank you both for helping us find beauty and confidence within us with the help of your affordable and amazing quality extensions. You both have me amazed at how honestly you carry on with your work, you both are seriously incredible. I can't speak for others but your extensions seriously have made me feel beautiful and confident to level that I never thought I could reach! I love you both and please continue on with Luxy Hair Extensions because they are helping so many women feel beautiful, confident, and perfect! So please never stop what you are doing! Thank you so much! <3


it doesn't seem that hard.... the instructions are super clear but knowing me, I would probably need some help :P


WOW they look sooo natural, shiny and AMAZING!!!!


I wanted to buy this for a long time, finally I got mine today! Super excited!
Hair quality is good and it comes in a nice box, delivery was super fast. I live in Orange County, USA and I got it in 1 day! 
I tried it on today to see how it blends with my hair, I haven't styled or brush them. They shed, so I recommend to be super gentle with the hair (I was but it still sheds)
I ordered Mocha brown and I wish if I would get dark brown instead. Make sure you get the right color because you can't return after opening the box. 


I just bought these for my prom and I love them so much they're so soft and thick :D


I love my extensions. I bought them last year & now my own hair length has grown to roughly 18 inches, but I love using them for volume on a special night out. I think properly cleaning & storing your extensions is a key essential in keeping them "new".


I just got my set of extensions, I'm super happy with them, they blend so good in my hair. thank u Mimi for all the tips♡♡


i just ordered my second set of Luxies in 160 grams/Chocolate Brown. My first set lasted about 6 months and i loved them. I'm African American and the hair still blended well with my natural hair. I got so many compliments on my Luxies when i wore them. Some of you are delusional, best clip ins EVER! Good job Luxy!


Woww ive watched you guys since I was like 13.. im 18 now. So happy for you guys and how far youve come ❤️❤️


I bought my extensions about a year ago. I absolutely love them! They blend in seamlessly to my hair and I don't even have to use half of my 160 g set. I would definitely recommend them!


Those who are reading this comment may your parents live more than 💯 years with good health 💕


You can always tease the roots of your hair for added volume, which would help to conceal the wefts :)


I've had luxy hair extensions for a year now and I absolutely love them! I never tease my hair when I clip in the extensions and they hold up perfectly all day. In regards to the shedding, I notice that if you don't carefully brush out your extensions at the end of each use BEFORE storing them, there will be a lot of tangling and when you try to brush it out it will shed.'s hair sewn on to a strip of fabric, some shedding should be expected...just like the hair attached to our heads :)


I bought them for my wedding. THey are amazing! Seriously, my hair stylist even commented and asked were I got them. I have thick hair and it was decently long...BUT I got them in the lighter weight for my sister and she has super, short thin hair (she is adopted). They looked great on her too. Best out there for the price for sure!


Our clips are very secure and don't require you to tease the roots of your hair, unless you have super slick and fine hair. Then you'd need the extra texture that teasing provides :)


i have so far had two sets of luxies, i wore them nearly every day to school and both sets lasted me just under a year. if you take care of them they will last, so all of you whining obviously don't know how to look after them. so many people think the extensions are my real hair and i am able to blend them in well.


OMG. The hair looks so soft, silky and healthy! I wish i could own this hair :(


So about two years ago I purchased my first clip ins which where Luxy's. They where great but on my next purchase I decided to try another brand, which I did and I really regret not getting the Luxy's again !

They are great, you wont regret it <3


My luxies are great. They do tangle a bit and shred a bit, but they do it less than other extensions I've tried. The only thing I didn't like was that my clips were not symmetrical or on their right place, like they were really close to the right on the two 4 clip-wefts. They were crooked. But I've managed my way around that. The color does match my hair perfectly and I get tons of compliments when I wear them :)


I was hesitant about buying luxy's after reading a few negative reviews. I still went ahead and cannot believe how good they are. So pleased!
