Thief - Hail of Glass Achievement/Trophy Guide

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This achievement can be unlocked extremely early in the game.

You will need to play up until you have the box, and have picked up a bottle. Now find an open area without enemies, arm the bottle, and then save the game. If you miss, you can "Load Last Save" from the menu, and you will be put in the exact same spot.

Note: This achievement can be easier after upgrading your character, increasing his bow skills, and bottle carrying capacity, so keep that in mind if you are stuggling.

Now that you are set up, aim directly up, press the trigger to throw the bottle, press the trigger again to take out your bow, and then aim for the bottle and use the trigger once again to shoot the bottle. It is easiest to hit the bottle as it is falling and directly in front you, although it still is a trial and error process.
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I tried this a bunch of times but couldn't get it, but then i threw the bottle and used focus and it slowed the bottle down so much that i was able to draw my arrow and aim it...thanks for the videos! 


there, just did it, the key was after throwing the bottle (PC) press 1 for blunt ones, and don't just click left mouse button, but press and hold it like for 0, 5 second (didn't use focus or upgraded bow) good luck achievement hunters! Thanks Maka:)


 Tried doing it with broadhead arrows for like 10 minutes, but got it on the first try with the blunt arrows. Thanks!


Thanks man it really worked...I did it at first try


Very difficult, so I cheated using focus 😆
