Peter Roselle: The Anointing Carried by the Spoken Word of God (Luke 1:38)

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Peter Roselle: The Anointing Carried by the Spoken Word of God (Luke 1:38)
Peter speaks at King of Kings Worship Center on 1/22/2023. Quotes: In Luke 1:35, the angel Gabriel says to Mary, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore, also the Holy One who's to be born will be called the Son of God." The “rhema,” the spoken Word is coming to her. Then Gabriel says, "for with God (no)(thing) will be impossible." The way it is written in Greek is "no thing." The "thing" there is "rhema." Meaning, "No Word spoken by God is impossible..." because nothing is impossible for God. Mary felt the unction (anointing) on that Word and said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord, let it be to me according to your (rhema) (spoken) Word.”

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Hebrews 12. This is what I said... bear with me for a minute here because the Word is Rhema.
"For the spoken Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged of sword." Is anybody walking out? Do you think I'm a heretic for saying this? The Word of God, the Bible, that's how most of us would look at this; of course, it's alive. The book is breathing, it's speaking to you. You're always seeing something new in there.

But what about this part? So "the spoken Word, the Rhema of God, is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Now, I'm just going to say, anytime you talk about the Word, in James, it says, be careful about being a teacher because you're going to be held up to a higher standard. And sometimes you're tempted to make it say something that you want it to say, but it really doesn't say. So don't do that either, because God really cares about the people in the pews – that whoever is up here is not confusing them.

So I'm just asking you to think about this verse you might have for so long. Yes, of course it's true that the Word that we read convicts us, doesn't it? Right down to the "who we are" part of our heart, and it opens us up and says, "Oh no! That was wrong what I did! I need to go apologize to that person. I might not have meant it, but now that I'm reflecting back on it, I shouldn't have said that."

That's what this means I believe, “piercing to the joints of marrow.” But it could also be somebody who's not saved. They hear the Word, and it pierces them, and they go, "Oh! I need a savior. Pray for me. I'm done. I'm done running, running away from God. I want to run towards God." Do you think there's a few of them in New Jersey? Please say yes.

Here's an example. Mark 14:72, "Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said to him, "Before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three times." Jesus said that. Jesus is the Word. So the Rhema was, “Yes, Peter, I know you think you are willing to die for me, but No! Before the rooster crows twice... in Mark it says this, "You will have denied me three times." Peter: "No! I'll never deny you!"

Can you relate as a human being? The things that we want to do, we don't always get done. And then it says, "when he thought about this, he wept." That's what it does. That's what this piercing does. It brings conviction in our heart. Like I thought I knew who I was, but I really didn't. There's more layers of me under there than I realized. I'm not quite the hero I thought I was. That's not bad news - good news if you do something about it.

That's why the Word coming out of your mouth matters. Get it from the right warehouse. The life warehouse, not the death warehouse. Luke 1:35, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore, also the Holy One who's to be born will be called the Son of God." Who is the angel talking to? Mary ... You know that Mary was Jewish. Some people don't want to hear that one. Mary? She's Catholic! She can't be Jewish!

Mary didn't have any of the credentials that the world would look up to, as someone who would still be talked about for good reason. She's an amazing person. I'm not saying pray to her. But let's not discount what she did. She was willing to put her life on the line. "The Holy Spirit will come upon you." This is Gabriel speaking to her, a Word of God.

See the "word," the rhema, the spoken Word is coming to her. Then he says, "for with God nothing will be impossible." The way it is written in Greek is "no thing." The "thing" there is "rhema." Meaning, "No Word spoken by God is impossible..." because nothing is impossible for God.
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