10 Questions for Atheists Answered

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Love your videos. On the question"If you were to die and stood before god getting ready to pass judgement on you what would your reaction or thoughts be so he doesn't judge to harshly" I myself would ask him why he didn't provide any evidence of his existence only to send atheist to eternal torture of hell simply because they didn't believe in him or people that were born in a different culture indoctrinated into another religion worshiping another god or gods to suffer the same fate, and what about all the famine stricken areas where people are praying to him for food and water only to die from starvation did he send them to hell because they were praying to the wrong god?


You're going to be busy tomorrow...with a hangover. 😊


1. If you get your morality from your religion, then what you have is not a moral system. It is moral pronouncements, and what makes them moral?

2. Meaning of life is whatever you make it.

3. People have a right to believe what they want, they do not have a right to impose those beliefs upon others or use their beliefs to dictate the actions of others. If religious people would keep their beliefs to themselves, go to church and be tolerant of those who do not share their views, and not try to belittle or convert them then I'd be perfectly happy.

4. There are thousands of transitional fossils, creationists ignore this and claim that there are none. Biologically everyone is a transition between their parents and descendants.

5. I generally agree with your 'human nature' argument. Ancient humans, just like modern humans wanted to understand the world around them and religion claimed to provide them. It is important though that our answers adapt to new information, and fundamentalist religion is unwilling to adapt to new evidence.

6. It is theists that assert that something came from nothing? Which raw materials did the Christian God use to create the universe or did he just conjure it from nothing? The Big Bang does not say anything came from nothing, only that the universe expanded from a single point and is continuing to expand. Virtual particles can however pop in and out of existence.

7. Stalin may have been atheist but Hitler was a Christian. You can't judge an entire demographic on the actions of a few individuals. North Korea is a Necrocracy; they worship the dead ancestor of its current ruler.

There are in fact polls which show that the more atheistic a society, the better its scores on societal health factors including STD's, health care and education. Look at how well Sweden compares with the US in each of these areas.

8. In the event that the Christian God did exist: I'd ask him why he judges people based upon their beliefs and not their actions, whether the bible described him accurately and if so why he is such a cruel, tyrannical, misogynistic, homicidal, infanticidal, egotistical despot. I would then point out that he was the most evil character in existence and that if I was to burn in Hell then at least I would be comforted by the fact that I am more moral than him.

9. (in answer to both) I would require solid, scientifically verifiable, peer reviewed evidence that points only to that conclusion. I do not know what form that proof would take but if a God did exist, and he was omnipotent as the bible describes then he would know what proof would be required. Why has he not provided it?

If the Christian God did exist, I am sure he could prove that to me but as for the bible; there are not only inconsistencies, there are things in there we know are wrong. Every claim that the bible makes in relation to the Earth and the universe is wrong. We know the Genesis account of creation did not happen, that means there was no fall of man and no original sin. That negates any reason for the existence of Jesus, doesn't it?

10. It all boils down to the fact that religion, meaning all religions have not met their burden of proof.


Just discovered your channel through friendly atheist on Facebook. I've been an atheist for a little over a year now and I couldn't be happier. Love your videos and I'm surprised you don't have more subscribers.


If morality came from god, how do you explain psychopathy? People who Are unable to empathize with others the way most are?


Wish there were more like you in the States. Here it's jesus jesus. Very sad.


I, as an autistic person, can feel how other people feel. Just in a different way going for a more ''rational/thinking'' approach, where I basicly just imagine what it would be like to go through what a person went through, and then seeing if said person is feeling such feelings by looking at them, instead of my brain instinctivly able to reflect pain and feelings automaticly.


9:44 I do not think anyone is truly a good person or truly a bad person.
I feel like humans are a lot more complicated than that.


Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Japan. Countries with not only a very secular government and society but population as well. And they're doing fine.


Cooperation is built into us from the most fundamental level. From quantum physics, through chemistry, molecular biology, multicellular organisms, families, tribes, etc. It all hinges on cooperation.


I just found your channel by luck and i am so happy i did.You are literally channeling all my thoughts and the way you talk about things in a rational way and explain the logical part rather than getting pissed is amazing.Great to see your work.
PS:Cant believe you are an adult tho.U certainly don't look like it. XDXDXD


Hooray for the new mic! Now your rambling will be clearer than ever! :)

Another excellent video with too many points to address in this little window.


Loved this! Cant wait to see more. HUGE thumbs up hun! 😁👍🏻 x


I'll answer the questions as briefly as I can just for fun: 🙂

1. Morality is a social construct. The universe doesn't care what we do.

2. Life has no purpose. You are truly free to do what you want with your life.

3. I'm not too familiar with eugenics, but if we could really make humans better with genetic engineering without harming people I don't see a problem. I wouldn't mind less diseases, stronger muscles, longer lifespan, smarter brain and so forth.

4. Transitional fossils are not missing, every fossil found is a transitional form.

5. The human tendency of believing in gods is a vestige of our evolution and the resulting religions are hoaxes. It's a crutch that can be discarded now when we have developed the scientific method to really find out what's real.

6. Nothing is an imaginary concept. There has never been true nothingness as it is by it's definition not a thing.

7. North Korea: Dead leader worshipped as god. I'm not too familiar with Mao or Pol Pot, but Stalin was crazy paranoid. As I
understand it those countries at the time were totalitarian societies and personality cults. So they were actually a lot like many religions where everything is controlled by supreme power and people are to obey without question and anyone criticising the power is eliminated. If you look at the Bible it describes a totalitarian system of belief and government.

8. Why hide from me if you wanted me to believe in you, god? Is not believing in you really a crime? And what's with killing children and ordering genocides like that, why are you behaving in the bible like a psychopath?

9. Evidence would convince me.

10. No evidence to convince me.

How did I do?


I responded to the "10 question challenge " too, years ago. I think you almost said everything in my response. Take care


You nailed thermodynamics there! A great rebuttal to the argument that something can’t come from nothing is to call out the straw man of the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang just describes how the universe is expanding. Not how it started expanding. Just like how evolution describes how species diversify but not how life started. Great vid, keep up the good work!


I just wanted to say that I am a Christian, and I really enjoy your videos because I like to see where are people and their beliefs stem from, I think it is insightful. I wanted to just discuss/comment on a point you made. As far as the meaning of life goes, and whether or not we "need a God" in order to explain certain phenomena, the reason why this does nothing to sway Christians is that we believe in God not necessarily to look for an answer to our questions but more just to serve him. To us, that is the meaning of life based on the scripture in the Bible. The Bible says we are put on this Earth in order to fulfill God's plan and do his work. In many cases, this is simply serving or being compassionate. In that sense, it is not a life of self serving, but rather the glorification of God. All that being said, I totally appreciate and respect your opinions. I just wanted to leave the opinion of a Christian as well to give another point of view.


Just found your channel... I like the way you think.


+Rachel Oats, I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking some wine at any time in the day. I don't think you need to listen to people whine about it :)

I'm glad you're on YouTube; most of the skeptics, intellectuals, and atheists I follow on YouTube tend to be men. I won't follow someone just because of their gender, but it is refreshing to have increased diversity in my favorite go-to channels.


"This is just a continuation of my dinner
