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Drew breaks down what a muscle test is. This is a simple way to do one on your own, if you have nobody helping you.

Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to traditional Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body's imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body's responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body's responses to herbs and other remedies.

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This muscle testing technique has a high rate of accuracy if you have a higher level of consciousness and you have the right mental outlook when you do it. It's the best there is.


I learned a self test technique from the author of the Emotion Code, Brad Nelson, and I use it all the time now. I use the technique when your fingers are connected then you try and break the connection with a finger on opposite hand. Works perfect every single time.

Yes of course people are going to have their doubts, and I probably would too since the test you demonstrated may not be as clear to some people. However, for those who believe and trust in their divine power, the universe will reveal its secret to them. It requires trust, it does. Many people aren't ready for that yet. And that's perfectly okay, because we're all on our own journey.

So to some, self testing absolutely works. I can be pretty indecisive sometimes, especially when it comes to food (when there's just way too many delicious options lol) so I ask my body what it wants and what I would most enjoy. I've used it to find my cat THREE different times when we ran away. And after one trip she was really sick and I used it to determine the issue (stomach infection) and heal her. I knew all the way down to the specifics of when she would be back to health. It's absolutely incredible and I'm so grateful to have found such a magical trick.


I also believe you can do the technique in your head without saying anything. You just have to listen for a strong resonance pattern in your head. Give it a try.


thumb and index are on the same circuit. the pinky is on the other circuit, so connect pinky and thumb.


Better to make a statement, not ask a question. It is the difference between using it to tell you what to do and confirming what you believe is true, which is more karmically empowered choice.


Caution: Nelson (Emotion Code) says not to use muscle-testing for big life questions, including certain types of relationship questions.


Wow, I tried every method I could find to do self muscle testing. For me, most of them did not work, but I did find two tests that worked pretty well. However, the test in this video is by far the best----at least for me. The next trick is to remove any bias from the result. That is, if you really want a yes (or no) answer, your preference might influence whether the muscle tests strong or weak.`


I put my fingers to my nose, lol. You got me on that one.


For all you ignorant people out there, Kinesiology does work.. He is just showing a different approach. Might not be the best one.


thank you for your video and sharing your own story.!
I would love to let everyone know that if this muscle testing does not work for you, you can look up "sway testing", in my opinion easier than this technique to muscle test, and or, use your thumb and your ring finger as if you were attempting to hit a little sphere . Where the ok shape will stay strong you ll know you have a positive answer to your question. weakness or rupture of the "ok shape" will mean a negative response, literally says "it s not ok "-) our bodies know much more than our minds do, we just need to listen and this is an amazing tool to do so and raise our awareness and consciousness.


Thank you this is the best muscle test I’ve seen so far thank you


Nice video, for everyone out there, this does take practice like anything else in life.  It took me 8 months before I learned finger testing and I have been using muscle testing for many years.


You are so funny. I've been doing this for over 10 years. Used to work for a chiropractor who does AK. I test all food, even shampoos. Studied TFHK which took it to a whole new level; D


Either I'm a lot better liar than I thought I was, or this doesn't work.


6 minutes plus to share 15 seconds info, fast game is a good game


that was helpful! But according to the book Power Vs. Force- I believe how you frame the question also determines the answer. So I was wondering is there a list of questions -or 'how to ask questions' type advice anywhere for kinesiology?? Thanks heaps!


Holy shit!!! This really worked ... I'm a pure scientist at heart, and this shit just floored me... our subconscious is out of this world!!! Thank you so much for sharing ;)


Good video - but can you give us more ideas about how to form the questions. thanks for the video


There is massive data about 25 years of intensive study about kinesiology test. Book i s called Power vs Force


You can also stretch out your arms in front of you. If the answer is yes, your thumbs lineup/arms are the same length if if the answer is no, there will be an uneven length, so one will seem longer than the other sometimes quite a bit longer
