Roger waters has used his fame for Ill

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He has become an apologist for putin. He is right to call for a ceasefire but that can only be on the basis of a Russian retreat to its own country.
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The Prof has finally moved the start date of this conflict back from February 2022 to 2014; it's taken a long time but he's finally got there.


Was this A Momentary Lapse of Reason? Or has Waters always been a bit Off The Wall, on The Dark Side of the Moon, a Pig on the Wing...

Is he a bit like Clint Eastwood? I can respect his art at the same time as considering his politics to be ... ill-informed at best.

To call him a rat makes YOU sound like a Nazi. I for one can disagree with him without dehumanising him.

To call him a second rate musician is grossly unfair. His contributions to music are legend. His politics are unrelated to this IMO, and his status as a musician doesn't, or shouldn't, make him a statesman of any note whatsoever.


I listened to Roger Waters UN speech and even though i know he's inaccurate with alot of his points, it's hard to argue against the bit where he said he wants peace. Surely we all want peace?


The Prof is now boycotting the works of Roger Waters, but was he boycotting Russia after its annexation of Crimea? When and where did he see that map which showed Crimea as part of Russia, making him feel "uncomfortable"?


Tim, you mention no provocation. What about NATO setting up camp on Russia's doorstep over the last however many years, you don't see that as a provocation ?. I'm not defending Russia's invasion, but if you don't listen to your neighbours concerns they have a nasty habit of becoming your enemies.


He was there to call for a ceasefire and deescalation on both sides.


This may be the start of what we all know as the last scramble for resources. Remember Indonesia in the 60s, Chinese investment in Africa, the dollar verses the Euro in Iraq, the quiet american, the last 15 minutes of ' When Worlds Collide', 1968 Peru, the Falklands. Say it ain't so, Joe please say it ain't so. Thanks Murray Head.


He couldn't even find peace with his own band !


On what basis is Roger Walters being invited to speak at the United Nations? Why the heck is he supposed to be a spokesperson on Geo politics? Who thought it was a good idea to have an aged rock guitarist commenting on such matters? Bizarre and ridiculous.


The Wall is a biography of Roger Waters - Pinky. Lost his dad in the '44 Anzio landings, Italy.


I am not sure that the music, like a book, is the arbiter of a bad opinion . Throwing it out, perhaps give it away, it smacks of book burning if it is destroyed. I think if you had any previous knowledge of those in Pink Floyd, as with many musicians, you might not be surprised by their naive attitudes to many political situations around the world. You hear it every day in US and now UK politics, so it does not take much to spread to Elon Musk and some musicians. Its not an album I liked .


How did Roger get to talk at the u.n on behalf of Russia? Has Roger issued a statement as to how that came about? I happen to think he has his heart in the right place regarding wars in general but I’m curious as to his involvement in this


I recommend the Prof watches his video "Biden's threat are worthless" of a year ago. He seems a different person - knowledgable, thoughtful, nuanced. His comments on German reliance on Russian gas are, ironically, almost prescient if Seymout Hersh is correct about Nordstream.


Zero contextual analysis or understanding of history! In Roger’s mum’s words READ, READ and then READ some more!


Yes you are right.The World needs Peace and we can hark back to John Lennon doing the same.I remember a day when Pink Floyd were all happy when Sid Barrett was alive.And after that Roger and Dave Gilmour were "at war" with each other and the rift has not really healed. Roger is a decent guy and a brilliant musician.and I wish to always think of him in that context .There is a lot of suffering in the World and action to help will always be stronger than words


russian had promised they'd invade again if NATO got too close, remember?


BREAKING : Speaker of the house polishes the helmet presented by Zelenski.


Since we're all struggling to keep our heads above water, it means a lot to me that you are protesting in this way. Thank you.


BREAKING : Record and book burners of the West unite in protest against the opinion of Roger Waters.


Hang on to that album Prof, you have future nursing home fees to consider, might be worth a mint by them.
