Discord a fatal javascript error occurred||Fix Javascript Error in Windows 7/8/10 PC

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Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access discord application in my windows 10 pc :
A fatal Javascript error occurred.
This tutorial is about a fatal javascript error has occurred discord cannot find module.
This solucion not working in mac and other devices.
Here i using 2021 released discord setup,but in future 2022 if they release new update sometime this trick not works.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to indonesia,deutsch,hatası and español.
how to fix discord a fatal javascript error occurred in the main process :
1.If you get this problem just uninstall that existing discord app from your desktop core.
2.Once you uninstall it,and then delete that discord folder.
3.And don't forget to restart your pc.
4.After the restarting is complete now you can try to install the fresh setup.
5.I hope this method will solve your issue.
6.This method also works on windows 7,windows 8 and 8.1 platforms.
#discordjavascripterror #fataljavascripterroroccurred #windows10
A fatal Javascript error occurred.
This tutorial is about a fatal javascript error has occurred discord cannot find module.
This solucion not working in mac and other devices.
Here i using 2021 released discord setup,but in future 2022 if they release new update sometime this trick not works.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to indonesia,deutsch,hatası and español.
how to fix discord a fatal javascript error occurred in the main process :
1.If you get this problem just uninstall that existing discord app from your desktop core.
2.Once you uninstall it,and then delete that discord folder.
3.And don't forget to restart your pc.
4.After the restarting is complete now you can try to install the fresh setup.
5.I hope this method will solve your issue.
6.This method also works on windows 7,windows 8 and 8.1 platforms.
#discordjavascripterror #fataljavascripterroroccurred #windows10