Lec#21 To print the given Series i.e. 1,4,9,16,25,36. using loop. ||Ex. of Iteration based problem||
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To learn flowchart in deep to see pervious video
Lec1 What is flowchart? It's Symbol and examples.
Lec2 Discuss What kinds of Programming problem.
-----------------------------------------Sequential based problem------------------------------------------------------
Lec3 How to calculate area of rectangle and Simple Interest?
Lec4 How to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, & MOD in one Flowchart
Lec5 How to calculate Swapping using without third variable
Lec6 To input three digit and calculate sum of each digit without using loop
Lec7 To input three digit number and reverse that number without using loop
Lec8 To input four digit number and print sum of first and last digit without using loop.
-----------------------------------------Conditional based problem------------------------------------------------------
lec9 How to Calculate Area of rectangle if length and breath are equal
lec10 To input a number and determine whether it is even or odd
lec11 To input two number and calculate whose number is biggest?
lec12 How to calculate SI increase the principle amount by 100 when SI is greater than 500.
lec13 To input a number & increase the value of number according to following condition
lec14 To input four number and print who is the biggest number.
lec15 To input any character & find it is uppercase, lowercase, numeric or any special symbol
Lec16 To input character and determine weather it is vowel or not.
Lec17 to input character & convert into Uppercase to Lowercase & vice-versa
Lec18 To input a numeric character and convert it into integer and add 5 to it.
-------------------------------------------Iteration Based Problem -----------------------------------------------------
Lec19 Draw a flowchart to print a message fifty times
Lec20 To print all number 1 to 5 using loop
Lec1 What is flowchart? It's Symbol and examples.
Lec2 Discuss What kinds of Programming problem.
-----------------------------------------Sequential based problem------------------------------------------------------
Lec3 How to calculate area of rectangle and Simple Interest?
Lec4 How to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, & MOD in one Flowchart
Lec5 How to calculate Swapping using without third variable
Lec6 To input three digit and calculate sum of each digit without using loop
Lec7 To input three digit number and reverse that number without using loop
Lec8 To input four digit number and print sum of first and last digit without using loop.
-----------------------------------------Conditional based problem------------------------------------------------------
lec9 How to Calculate Area of rectangle if length and breath are equal
lec10 To input a number and determine whether it is even or odd
lec11 To input two number and calculate whose number is biggest?
lec12 How to calculate SI increase the principle amount by 100 when SI is greater than 500.
lec13 To input a number & increase the value of number according to following condition
lec14 To input four number and print who is the biggest number.
lec15 To input any character & find it is uppercase, lowercase, numeric or any special symbol
Lec16 To input character and determine weather it is vowel or not.
Lec17 to input character & convert into Uppercase to Lowercase & vice-versa
Lec18 To input a numeric character and convert it into integer and add 5 to it.
-------------------------------------------Iteration Based Problem -----------------------------------------------------
Lec19 Draw a flowchart to print a message fifty times
Lec20 To print all number 1 to 5 using loop