Intro to ratios - Writing ratios | Ratio & proportion #2

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Ratios are one of the most recognisable parts of maths and we've figured it out! What its, how it works, what it's used for...all the concepts you need to know!
Whether you're in the UK preparing for your GCSEs, or in the US getting ready for your SATs, FCAT's, HGYNZWQYXWIF's (or whatever they're calling the exams that you studying for) Have no fear! 'O&U Learn' is here! (that rhymed). Ok, in all seriousness watch the video and enjoy!
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Ratios are one of the most recognisable parts of maths and we've figured it out! What its, how it works, what it's used for...all the concepts you need to know!
Whether you're in the UK preparing for your GCSEs, or in the US getting ready for your SATs, FCAT's, HGYNZWQYXWIF's (or whatever they're calling the exams that you studying for) Have no fear! 'O&U Learn' is here! (that rhymed). Ok, in all seriousness watch the video and enjoy!
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Introduction to Ratios (What Are Ratios?) | Ratio Examples and Answers
An Intro to Ratios | What is a Ratio? | Understanding Ratios | Math with Mr. J
Ratios | All About Ratios
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Introduction to Ratios
Introduction to Ratios - (What are ratios?)
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Introduction to ratios | Ratios, proportions, units, and rates | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy
Intro to ratios - Writing ratios | Ratio & proportion #2
Intro to Ratios
Introduction to Ratios
Introduction to ratios | Ratios, rates, and percentages | 6th grade | Khan Academy
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Introduction to Ratio | Writing Ratio
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Pre-Algebra: Introduction to Ratios
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Introduction to Ratios (Middle Grades)
Writing a Ratio - 3 Different Ways
Ratio and Proportion | Introduction | Maths | Letstute
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