Intro to ratios - Writing ratios | Ratio & proportion #2

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Ratios are one of the most recognisable parts of maths and we've figured it out! What its, how it works, what it's used for...all the concepts you need to know!

Whether you're in the UK preparing for your GCSEs, or in the US getting ready for your SATs, FCAT's, HGYNZWQYXWIF's (or whatever they're calling the exams that you studying for) Have no fear! 'O&U Learn' is here! (that rhymed). Ok, in all seriousness watch the video and enjoy!

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tysm for your videos i genuinely cannot thank you enough ur about to save my maths gcse


Sir you should 100% do a video on some of those harder problems you made


so for every trouser there is one and a quater shirts, guess im gett ing my sewing scissors out, rip shirt
