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Instagram: @hacksgreece

0:00 Εισαγωγή
0:29 Τι είναι hacking?
1:15 white hat hacker
1:56 black hat hacker
2:33 grey hat hacker
3:39 red team & blue team
4:23 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

Boss, could you please create a comprehensive video series covering advanced topics such as advanced time based blind SQL injection injection, XSS, LFI, RFI, and RCE, including the process of uploading web shells on Apache and IIS web servers in live website scenarios? Traditional platforms like test.vulner, DVWA, bWapp, PortSwigger, etc., fail to address real-world challenges like identifying origin IPs, DNS brute force attacks, reverse IP lookups, WAF/IDS/IPS circumvention, AWS/CDN/Tor, reverse proxies, and CMS security 🤙. Your unique content would be invaluable in educating the bug bounty hunting community about genuine issues and solutions. Thanks in advance for your contributions to the community.


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