Wolfshäger Hexenbrut Weltrekord 2024

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Was für ein spektakuläres Ereignis! Die Wolfshäger Hexenbrut hat Walpurgis 2024 in Wolfshagen im Harz auf der Wolfshöhe regelrecht gerockt und dabei einen neuen Weltrekord für die Hexenbrut aufgestellt. Über 1100 Hexen und Teufel vereinten sich im Rhythmus des Hits von Mallorca Star Milla Pink, "Auf dem Besen an den Tresen", zu einem wahrhaft magischen Tanz.

Die Stimmung war einfach unbeschreiblich! Von allen Ecken strömte die pure Begeisterung, und es schien, als ob die ganze Welt nur darauf gewartet hatte, diese Nacht zu feiern. Was besonders bemerkenswert war, war die grenzüberschreitende Feierfreude: Hexen aus Deutschland, Bulgarien und Polen waren voller Lebenslust dabei und trugen maßgeblich zum Erfolg und zur Internationalität dieser Veranstaltung bei.

Die Wolfshäger Hexenbrut hat nicht nur einen Weltrekord gebrochen, sondern auch gezeigt, dass die Magie der Gemeinschaft und des Feierns keine Grenzen kennt. Es war eine Nacht voller Freude, Musik und Magie, die uns alle noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.
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Love it!! The energy is so good! I don't speak German, but absolutely enjoy the Wolfshager Hexenbrut!!! After translating, congratulations to the number of people who made this happen!!!


Love the energy. I prefer my long witch dress ladies but loved the girls energy which was pretty much matched by the lovely long dress witch beauty that won the certificate & danced right along with the short dressed cutie. Very happy to see another video 👍💗 Tfs.


Love the crowd interaction! Wish I spoke German! Awesome show! 😊❤


Personally I like the older ones better but there is a unique energetic feeling that comes from watching.


It's like a rave up for witches :) love it !!


so nice sharing host, impressive event. new friend from Lucy


Every year I tell myself I need to attend these events


You all aren't missing much not knowing German. It's a pretty stupid song about partying in Mallorca, Spain that I guess has some kind of witch-related themes. Bibi Blocksberg is a TV show about a teenage witch who is still learning how to do spells and gets into trouble a lot and her family. I lived in Germany from 1995 to 2001 and can confidently state that I had never heard of this show until today. Although it is a cartoon, so that's probably why. According to IMDB, there were 38 episodes from 1994-2014. According to IMDB, Bibi has a broom that she calls "Mashed Potato" (Kartoffelbrei).

I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg and get on my broom
And then fly to Malle to drink at the bar [Malle = Mallorca]
I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg, eenie meenie my
I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg, fly away, Mashed Potatoes
I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg and get on my broom
And then fly to Malle to drink at the bar
I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg, eenie meenie my
I'll be like Bibi Blocksberg, fly away, Mashed Potatoes

CHECK24, searched for flights
But fuck, all the flights were already fully booked
How do I get to Malle now? I have to get out of here
The answer came with the fifth beer

I can't fly like Peter Pan
How do I get to Ballermann now? [Ballermann is a generic term for a party beach for tourists]
I'm not a carpet slut
That's why I'm shouting in your face

Let's go to Malle, get on the plane
But there are climate adhesives on the runway [Climate activists who are doing sit-ins and stopping traffic by gluing themselves to the ground - probably a similar idea as like tree huggers who chain themselves to trees]
I would love to be carbon-neutral
But I'm really keen on Arenal [a beach in Mallorca called S'Arenal/El Arenal]

And they sing the Bibi Blocksberg refrain and the Peter Pan parts again along with a couple repeats of:

La-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la (Hex, hex) [a Hexe is a witch and they put hexes on people so there is some play on words]
La-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la (Hex, hex)
La-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la (Hex, hex)
La-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la (Hex, hex)


Love this one! Can someone please translate to English


Studying German just so I can understand the music!


Que aburrido, me gustaban mas antes ¿por que hay una mujer de rosa y vestido corto? No parece de las brujitas que antes animaban, solo parece una clase de zumba mas. Se supone que era algo entretenido, pero se volvió una moda más. Que decepción


Sehr sehr enttäuscht über die BALLERMANN-Atmosphäre und Musik. Was soll das ? Zu Walpurgis gehört altdeusche Musik.
Bin extra aus Washington DC ür die Wolfshagener Hexenbrut nach Wolfshagen gereist. Nie wieder !!!!
