French pronunciation training - Improve your French accent (with 10 sounds only)

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Improve your Pronunciation with 10 French sounds only. In this free online French lesson, you will learn how to improve your French pronunciation. Lean how to pronounce French sounds that are extremely hard to pronounce for English speakers. Thank to this French lesson you will improve your pronunciation in French and you will speak more clearly. This French lesson is perfect for beginners, feel Free to repeat the words out loud as many times as you want. If you have any questions please comment down below.

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I am lucky to be French by birth...You should know that French is hard for us to learn. We go through 5 grade levels in primary school to learn conjugation and grammar. So be patient and listen to the advice of this charming young lady. You will get there with a lot of practice. You should know that English is not easy to learn for French speakers either.


Sound 1 - 1:29 (bébé)
Sound 2 - 2:53 (sœur )
Sound 3 - 4:09 (soleil)
Sound 4, 5, 6 - 6:39 (on/en/in)
Sound 7 - 8:46 (action)
Sound 9 - 10:50 (père)
Sound 10 - 12:19 (bonne)

Great video!


I live in the UK and French is my native language — it was all i spoke until i reached 5 years old. When my brother came along he was speaking much more english than i was (he’s just a year younger) and according to my parents it encouraged me to speak English more frequently. Which was a good thing — cus at the time i could barely speak it at all — but then i focused so much on speaking english i a lot of my ability to speak french😐. My parents also encouraged speaking english at home, as we (the children) basically helped them with their english (as they could also barely speak it — they’ve improved so much now they’re actually fluent🤣♥️).

It was when I was about 11 years old i took it upon myself to regain the french abilities i lost over the years due to a lack of practice. I could still understand french extremely well, and surprisingly i was really good at reading it also. My speaking wasn’t fluent but it was constant with minor errors in pronunciation and tense. And writing?? Oh my god its still the one I’m worst at🤣🤣🤣. I just never had to write in french a day in my life until i took classes in secondary🤣. I’m in college now, leaving for uni this September and I’ve drastically improved since i started. I still get nervous about speaking french though because i doubt myself and — i don’t have an accent 🥲. I try to but in my opinion, I still sound like a british person speaking french lol (my friends disagree they think I do sound french, but they all speak english and not french so of course they would say I sound french😭). We were never taught on how to imitate the accent and some of the harder sounds in french (like the back of the throat sound — it always makes me tongue tired😂) so here I am practising it myself🤣👋🏾.

I’m currently doing A level french, and I’m so glad i took it upon myself to relearn part of my cultural identity. I impress a lot of my relatives since I’m the only child who speaks french so well out my siblings😁.


Thanks! My native language is Spanish, but the way you explain English-French was more easy to me. I don't know why. Saludos desde Venezuela. 😘✌️


I feel more comfortable learning from you.

A suggestion: can you keep the volume the same when teaching and echoing because your instruction voice was much louder than the echo part and I had to keep turning the volume up and down.

You're great!


salut! j'aime le français depuis toujours, quand ma grand-mère m'a parlé en francais quand j'étais plus jeune (mais elle est anglaise comme moi et c'était avec une petite vocabulaire) alors j'ai l'étudié au college et je m'appris encore. J'ai passé mes examens d'un niveau avancé avec des bonnes notes mais pendant toute ma vie, mon accent était le pire ! Merci pour tes conseils, je vais les utiliser avec mon petit-ami (qui est français !) et avec mes copains français. T'es très gentille et merci encore !


I've been learning french for 8 years (4 in high school, 4 in college) and you have explained more in 10 minutes than they did. 🙏🏿


Salut Mademoiselle! Vos vidéos seront très probablement utiles pour mes élèves en Jamaïque qui étudient le français comme deuxième langue au niveau élémentaire. Je pense également à la recommandation de quelques-unes à eux tous.


Pronunciation is of 2 sides of spoken languages. Your explanations really help.
Prosody' s 3 parts are equally
important--- stress, rhythm,
intonation. Could you please
teach us about these, to complete
the total package of spoken French??


I'm an advanced French Speaker and sometimes I slip up on prouncations so this helped a lot

Moi je parle le Français presque couramment mais parfois je gâché les prouncations donc cela m'aidé beaucoup


So beautiful - Pearl's French, Pearl's personality, and Pearl's smile. Great lesson!


very good. I like the way you repeat the sounds of the words. Im learning French and I live with a French person. I get him to repeat the sound of a word again and again. I don;t know the essence of grammar so I have to learn by sounds. I found the syllable Roy as in Royaume Uni SO difficult at first. Thank you!


omg u saved me, i've always thought -in and -un sound the same but all other french nasal vowel videos make them seem sound different from each other. thank you.


I love how you demonstrated how it looks when you pronounce the French sounds and also the practice words after each sounds. Only request, I hope you can increase the volume a bit during the practice words, :) but overall really learned a lot. Looking forward to more videos. Thank you, Pearl!


you're a really good teacher. This is very structured, thank you!! :)


Thank you for being an extremely articulate teacher! Subscribed to your channel five minutes into this video😁


Bon ben après on répète le même son plusieurs fois ça devient un nouveau son totalement. J'espère que je suis pas la seule 😂😂 merci pour la vidéo ! Je vais essayer d'améliorer mon pronunciation ! :)


You are so beaultifull and kind!!! Thank you so much indeed for your lessons!!! Kisses from Brazil my dear!!!😘😘😘👍🙏


C'est formidable ce vidéo! J'aime le "font", et le fait que on apprend le prononciation et vocabulaire. Merci bcp🙏🏻
