ASJ article Terry Myckatyn

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This month, Dr. Terry Myckatyn discussing his article: En Bloc Capsulectomy for Breast Implant Illness: A Social Media Phenomenon? By: Grace Keane, AB; David Chi, MD, PhD; Austin Y. Ha, MD; and Terence M. Myckatyn, MD

In this Original Article, Dr. Grace Keane and colleagues aimed to review the literature and evaluate the public
understanding of treatment options for BII and BIA-ALCL on social media to identify potential communication
disconnect between clinicians and patients related to the use of en bloc capsulectomy to treat BII. A
Commentary by Dr. Pat McGuire points to a loss of trust between plastic surgeons and patients; her own
patients request photo evidence that she’s performed en bloc capsulectomy and who are willing to accept
the higher risks of hematoma and the potential for pneumothorax to remove the capsule and toxins they
believe are contained in it.

Read the Commentary here by Dr. Patricia McGuire:

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