Ambushed on The AM Show

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The AM Show invited me for an interview about MILKED, without telling me they'd be finishing the segment with the CEO of DairyNZ, Tim Mackle...

The AM Show did apologise after I reached out to them... However, rather than an apology I'd much prefer they bring me back on WITH DairyNZ to have a REAL debate.

In this video Chris Huriwai (Otaua, Kaikohe) responds to the hosts and Tim as they spout off the usual media/dairy industry talking points. This should have been predicted, dairy is the most powerful industry in Aotearoa New Zealand- having the media reach out for an interview a month after the film's release? There were so many red flags! Ahhhh! Let's hope the next interview doesn't need a response video!

➡️ Original Interview:


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This is an excellent explanation of the awful situation.
It is appalling that any workers for any TV channel can play so dirty, or work so obviously a biased angle. That they need to stoop so very low to portray a one single perspective, on behalf of their advertisers/ owners, presumably, is really just sad. Imagine having to do that for a job? Poor souls.
... Poor consumers who haven't seen Milked yet, or Cowspiracy, or any of the other great truth telling, PR-spin bubble bursting documentaries.
- Thanks again for all your ongoing great work with this kaupapa tino taumaha, Amy, Chris, and team. Kia kaha, ake tonu. Ki a matau katoa tenei wero. Me mahi tahi tatau.


Thanks, Chris, for calling out the 'debate' for what it was: BS.


Sorry you were treated like that. The AM show hosts are particularly awful to people they obviously don't agree with.


I just watched the doco and it was amazingly well done and perfectly documented. All NZers need to see it. So horrible what they did to you on TV. Thanks for speaking out.


You made such a great work, and you inspired me to think about making the same kind of documentary here in France, where farmers are a nation pride.


Haha Rawe! Good work brother, Nga Mihi for speaking out!


I see part 2 coming up with an in-depth talk out with this CEO who thinks it's a joke ...we need more and honest people like yourself who tell the truth keep up the great work that you do Kia Ora


Great vital work! Thanks for all of the work you've done on this issue.


RNZ did this back to me years ago. About 3 years after designing machines, building them and opening my studio ( along with other machines from other companies as the idea was to be hyper-competitive, not anti-competitive ) Aka.... Vibration Training. The real stuff, not the fake stuff you see on T.V. .

Anyway it was to ask the hard questions, like does it work. How does it work? And what exactly does it work for ( as it was being sold as a miracle for everything by some marketers ) I told them I would answer all questions with full disclosure and zero marketing spin. 

But without my knowledge, they had someone on the other line. An Academic from Victoria Uni who had already stated Vibration Training can never work in an article called " Athletes don't feel good vibrations " in the Herald.  . And that was without ever setting foot on a fully functional machine as far as I know.

She was pretty intellectually dishonest by asking questions like. " Is it true it does not help with cardio,  so it can't help with weight loss  ? "  (  Sue was the program leader in the Exercise Science program at Massey University, Wellington NZ . so knew full well there is more than one way to lose weight ) She was relying on uneducated listeners who were brainwashed into thinking only cardio can burn fat. ( which any qualified PT will tell you .)  

This question came after I had just finished explaining it was purely Anaerobic. NOT Aerobic.You did NOT move on the real machines.  And it was designed to help change body composition. Eg...Better quality muscle, bone and less body fat. And we used a Body Composition Analyzer to help educate people and help track their progress. ( She had never even used a BCA machine before either so was lost there)

She also pulled out the old, " you are not even a qualified Exercise Physiologists" . Even though I had never claimed such a thing. 

In fact quite the opposite. I had been on T.V. and in the paper stating I was a Mortician, and ex-Navy Engineer, and all I had really done was build machines that could take very large people and various injuries / disabilities. Unlike what had been available in the past ( which were small machines that stopped working at 60 - 80kg ) 

Then she started up about research, and I just told them straight. It is only a form of exercise. It is not magic. And is an immature industry. And still takes hard work to get any results. Good research is years away. 

even though it was quite obviously set up as an ambush to attack me, it backfired and we got more positive attention. 

But here is the kicker. 6 months later she tried to "borrow" a machine off me to do research on. And it was going to be her deliberately damaging athletes and then trying to fix them. But after a couple of questions ( I thought I would give her a chance ) red flags went up at her complete lack of safety protocols

I would rather give the keys to a tractor to a monkey. 

But it gets better.... a year or so later, we heard she was calling herself an expert in Vibration Training and Rehab. and had a position doing Vibration Training with a League Team in Australia.on top of working at a Uni in Melbourne.  ??? 
Probably getting paid to do the thing she had stated many times was basically a waste of time. " Real Athletes don't feel good vibrations  ..etc.. etc.." 

I contacted RNZ  to update them on their "star academic " ambusher. Gave them the evidence of her new career  And asked if they wanted to interview her and me again. This time ME asking the questions. Of course they said no, as it made them look like fools as well. 

I learnt a while ago the Media and Academics / Institutions have an agreement. They will always be available for a comment, but the press will never go after them for a retraction if it turns out to be BS.


I would just like to thank you. I am so sorry that this happened to you, its so sad they had to go this low. I support your work and hope you know you do an amazing job potraying the truth.


Fonterra and the milk industry is using the American Tobacco playbook. It will not end well for them or for Aotearoa. Keep up the pressure MILKED.


Highly memeable... All aspects. The cliche'ness of the media/industry but also us for being so dam naive haha!


thanks for such a clear and well researched respone - kia kaha for the mahi you are doing


Wicked job brother! Keep going. You are doing the real work.


Great video! I just watched the original interview and noticed Tim Mackle keeps looking past the camera as if he's reading his talking point in real time, super weird.


Looks like you're wearing an Anticarnist shirt 😍 I'm waiting on my shipment from them. So excited.


you are a brave individual calling out these 'big and sloppy cheeses' (excuse the pun) thankyou for all that you do Chris


Good on you bro! Awesome. Call them out. Amazing doco. Very well done.


Disgusting, goes to show the lengths they are prepared to go too!🤮


