David Miliband on the International Rescue Committee | Charlie Rose

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David Miliband on working for the humanitarian group: International Rescue Committee

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Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose has been praised as "one of America's premier interviewers." He is the host of Charlie Rose, the nightly PBS program that engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers. USA Today calls Charlie Rose, "TV's most addictive talk show." New York Newsday says, "Charlie's show is the place to get engaging, literate conversation... Bluntly, he is the best interviewer around today."

David Miliband on the International Rescue Committee | Charlie Rose
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Let them live at Henry Kissinger's house.


Joe Peci, a great but under-rated actor.


Looks innocuous and sounds good too...but don't be fooled. The IRC orchestrates a sterling reputation with charity rating organizations quite simply; all one needs to do is maintain the books in such a way that more than 90% of funds is categorized as "program-related." In point of fact, the IRC dedicates 40% of that 90% to "security" when it's really the expense of housing drive-by philanthropists checking in for photo ops before continuing on with their vacations. The frequent shuttling of minor celebrity patrons by air is another huge expense diverting funds away from areas of need. I could go on but I've made my point - literally trillions have been funnelled through the international aid hopper since the UN was formed and sticky fingers attach themselves along the way to strip away most of the resources. It's a sickening scandal but with propagandists like this political refugee they'll continue to get away with it. And one mustn;t violate the unspoken but cardinal rule in the HGO community -- any large meeting to discuss the plight of the poor, the sick, the disadvantaged, and the displaced has to be convened in a 4-star location. Witness 2012 when the two kargest gatherings were in Rio and Doha.
