Infant Dies After Dog Attack, Young-Williams Bearden Location Temporarily Closed │The Seven

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0:00 Infant Dies After Dog Attack
0:36 Protecting Your Child from Animals
1:46 Young-Williams Bearden Location Temporarily Closed
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Baby's. Are. Being. Killed. By. Dogs. Grown. Ups. Too


Doesn't matter what breed, size of dog-the dog shouldn't have even 5 seconds of physically unsupervised access to a human baby.Never, not once. This poor baby suffered and it's unimaginable. These new parents learned a valuable lesson...paid in full by their newborn son.🕊️🙏


A baby should never be around dogs. My baby and children mean more to me than having a dog in my house. Sorry for your lost.🙏


Every year in the US, between 30 and 40 people are killed by dogs, often by their own dogs. Veterinarians will often treat dogs that have been in a fight with another dog in the household. Dr. Pol and his staff would just say “it’s a dog “, meaning that they can be unpredictable will attack. I had a male friend, over 70 years old, who was attacked savagely while riding his bicycle in a park. The dog pulled free from its owner. It has made me uncomfortable by the increase of dogs being allowed in stores, especially where food is sold. The dog would probably be happier at home, really. They are great pets usually but they are still animals descended from wolves.


Watching from far away outside of your state. Did I hear correctly you have a teenager who is getting 6 YEARS PROBATION for deleting his uncle? What - NO PRISON TIME? This is sort of scary. Would you say?


How horribly tragic. Prayers for the parents.


By the family dog. I’m so sorry for your losses!!


I do not like dogs nor do I trust them. And too many dog owners are convinced that their dog would never hurt someone. They let their dogs run loose in town & at county parks in direct violation of laws that dogs must be leashed but of course if no one enforces that law…

I was taking a walk in town earlier this spring and a dog ran up and jumped on me, the owner a few yards behind… I told her I don’t appreciate her dog doing that… she seriously screamed at me - saying how I don’t like myself which is why I don’t like her dog.. omg really? Crazy.

I responded- you can’t just assume that everyone likes dogs and that people haven’t had bad experiences with dogs (way too many dangerous close calls for my daughter & I mostly bcs irresponsible dog owners!)

I would love to live in an area that bans dogs. For real. They are unpredictable and can be vicious & deadly. Even “the nicest dogs”… and dog owners need to realize this, admit it, and take precautions.

I definitely dislike most dog owners way more than I dislike most dogs!

There have been a very few (count on one hand) dogs that I liked & felt very comfortable & safe around.


Don't hit wild animals with cars! Watch for them, and if you hit one, call for help - please don't leave an injured animal helpless! Animal control or a wildlife rehab/rescue can assist.

Re: babies & dogs, do your research when you're expecting so you can learn how to safely assist your dog with adjusting to the changes & accommodating the newborn.


‼️‼️‼️DOGS DON'T JUST ATTACK OUTTA NOWHERE THEY DID SOMETHING TO BABY AND BLAMES POOR DOG, and you gotta watch Animals and engage the dog with new baby, and how did dog get in crib⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


What a good, straightforward, no-nonsense newscast!



This can include failing to protect a child from dangerous environments, physical or sexual abuse, or other situations that may harm their well-being


Its seens like dogs are getting more aggressive


This is a seriously positive newscast.


Awful, so sorry for ur loss. My grandparents had a Husky and when we kids came around he got real overprotective and they got rid of him, ol Blonko


You need to do more than watch and attach a leash. You need to integrate the new born into the family both human and Pet family. That means spending time working together holding contact together introducing the newborn or new Pet into an existing household. It doesn’t happen by itself. And it’s very unusual for an older female especially northern breed to be aggressive with a newborn rather the opposite they bond and protect the newborn like it’s the wrong. What was the other dog where was the other dog? Where were the parents when this happened. Did anyone else see or did a camera catch what happened at the time of the incident? And the animal shelter where the dog was sent is shut down because of another distemper outbreak? why are shelters and rescues that are accepting money vaccinating the animals within their care to prevent outbreaks like this so that when you bring in a dog off the street you’re not infecting the whole center? I understand every penny is expense spent especially on how many animals are being destroyed every day but it’s strictly irresponsible to pack so many animals in tight quarters in contact and not vaccinate them on intake and then adopt them out to the public sick before you realize you have a problem and spread it to the public I personally experienced that issue and I’ve beenDoing rescue for over 40 years. No excuse for basic vaccinations not being given on intake no excuse to wait and give the dog shots just if they were adopted


Dogs also get jealous if you have been their only one companion for 8 years or whatever and the dog only solely knows your attention and then you bring in something else that that animal is not too sure of and you give all your attention to that person or thing that dog is going to be jealous as ever especially if your dog has an attachment to you especially animals that have a tendency to attach themselves to people like boxers Huskies chihuahuas etc.. slowly introduce your dog to the baby or whatever the case may be keep the dog away put up baby gates so that it cannot go in the room that the baby is in until the baby is older or that it is comfortable with it being around


This is why I don’t own pets. I wouldn’t ever put them at risk. My kids mean more than any pet over my own flesh and blood. Idk how people keep pets after attacks or have dogs around kids in general


Did the dog attack or try to move the baby? Dogs lift there pups by the neck. Why was the baby alone?


WS the other dog a pit bull or pit bull mix? I would believe the husky would have tried to protect the child and may have been found with the child after attack? Was this investigated was cause of death the dog bites ketones dogs nip bite pull child person who is in distress already have underlying problem strange things happen first baby post traumatic birth syndrome. Maybe mother frustrated putting child to bed mother oddly commented on reflection “crying, sleepless nights, diapers”as remembrances of child contact
