Vestibular Audiological Testing

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Vestibular audiologist, Joey Remenyi, describes some of the audioliogical tests that are done to gather information about the health of your ears, which is used in conjuction with a complete medical history to diagnose patients who experience dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and imbalance.
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I just had the balance test today with the rotating chair and the caloric, also following the red light on a bar, parallel and up and down. They didn't do anything with the neck. I won't know anything for three weeks, at the most, she said probably two weeks. Also she did a hearing test and the right ear compared to left ear, the right ear looked like a ski slope going down. My symptoms have been periodic severe spinning vertigo; for the last three months I have daily headaches that come from the back of my head starting at my neck and always on the right side; daily feeling off balance; can't lay on my right side without feeling pressure in my head. What triggers the spinning is either looking at computer screens too long and/or laying on right ear.


I had this test yesterday. I was so scared after reading youtube comments but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It really is just uncomfortable for a few minutes but it goes by quickly.


Very interesting. Thank you for the information.

I did not have a hearing, sight or balance problem until the day I got Bell's Palsy for the second time in my life. 3 years later an MRI with die has been done. Results to follow. Life has been a chalange for sure!


1st week of July 21 my 86 year old mum was given the caloric stimulation exam at our local ENT's office when she was done the ringing in her ear that she has been humming a song too since it started in the 70's was gone. This is 3 weeks later I only found out because she just mentioned that she almost misses it lol


Thank you. I talked to a doctor about my vertigo and even went to the ER when I was 19 and was ignored. I am now 30 with hearing loss that is genetic and I am finally getting the vng test (after finding out I need hearing aids at 30 and its genetic hearing loss) because i asked if the vertigo was related.


my right ear is my bad ear that got hit (that caused all of my dizziness symptoms) - i got all these tests done and only the ovemp showed it was a bit abnormal in that bad ear hinting towards scds. i have many symptoms of SCDS and feel horrible but dr dismissed me as CT was clear. I thought ovemp was very suggestive of scds. i don’t know what to do!


I've heard this can kick off epileptic episodes - have you got any info please


Thanks for this video. I'm about to get an ENG done so I watch these videos to help me stop being anxious. Cute doctor too 🤭


Just had hot water in my ear, it was a horrible experience. I feel so sick, and has triggered off a severe migraine attack. they wanted to put cold water in too. I couldn’t continue with the test, so does that mean I have a healthy inner ear


Thanks for these explanations. Getting these done day after tomorrow and im a little less anxious now! 😊


So happy to have found your channel..I’m having an oto neurology test soon


I had both cold and hot air in both ears. I had cold water in the right. They said my equilibrium nerve didn't respond and was not functioning. Can you help with further resources?


I had my vng test four days ago... but after test my all symptoms which was going to normal came back again 😢is it normal ?


This was done to me by doctors at the va couple of hours in a machine they stated definate vestibular vertigo from mIlitary 3inch 50 guns helo carrier flight deck lpo somehow a physical therapist said it was my blood pressure while on the ship a corpsman said I was seasick never been seasick in my lif he gave me librium and compazine and an expectorant threwup right after got on carwalk just below flight deck va keeps refusing me


I started getting eye type dizziness wile driving felt like around my eye would go tight and then I would have a dizziness for a second .. then it’s become more frequent to eye migraine and now my balance but it seems to be when am stressed or concentrating that triggers it of bright lights as well .. I had a virus 2 half weeks ago an my balance was really of .. I went to ENT they sent me for mri on my inner ears and what ever else they can look for . It showed nothing .. I had a hearing test as well .. I do have a slight deafness in my right ear but I have for years with a Perfarated ear drum .. they couldn’t find nothin so they dismissed me and my gp seems to be puttin it down to’s like they won’t do any more tests on me I am left with my balance issues .. I had loads a bloods done there all fine xx so could I be suffering from verstibular migraines or pppd no one has diagnosed this but all the symptoms are there .. x


I have dizzines and headache for like 3 months, every day all day-all night. I had CT scan with contrast of head and neck, MRI of the brain, EKG, ENG, blood test...everything is perfect. I feel like im going crazy, everyones thinks that it’s all in my head, it’s so frustrating. Headache is so bad that somethines I cant sleep all night or it wakes me up from sleep. Dizzines is not like classic dizzines with spinning sensation or like im gonna fade out, I do not have any problems with my balance, dizzines also gets worse when I lay down. Do you have any idea what to do as a next step?? Thank you


I have bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus caused from war. I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism last year, can this be another reason of the problems I am having? when i am sitting when i stand up i loose my balance. when we go out for a walk i always look down and stagger like a drunk, seems like i don't hear as well and my tinnitus (ringing has increased). do you recommend being tested or is it from hypothyrodism? thank you


I recently got a vng done and a caloric test done and I was wondering if I was not able to complete the caloric testing does that affect my results?? I did the other two tests but couldn’t get through the last one because I got extreme vertigo


I failed my Vng test 🥺 so now they have to put me on a lifetime treatment


This test is horrible. You ll feel like you re dying. Horrible
