How To Improve Your Dirt Bike Confidence ! Progress Your Enduro Riding

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The secret to good results in enduro competition is the enduro technique. But if you don’t have self-confidence you don’t have the most important factor and the technique is worth nothing to you. In this video I will help you to raise your riding confidence to a higher level and explain the mistakes I made. And how i lowered my self-confidence when i was amateur in enduro riding. I must say that everything takes time, if you are looking to learn something quickly or to progress to better riding skills very fast. Then it happens that your self-confidence falls, because you will experience failure more times than you can handle.

The more you practice a certain technique, the more relaxed your body becomes. As you progress you will feel much happier and your self-confidence grows. I must say that safety is important, and if you are not sure that you can climb uphill or do any trick, do not even try. Because you just risk getting injured, you need remember enduro riding is just about having fun and smile on your face. The enduro is a very dangerous sport and injuries can be really big, so please take care of yourself.

Don’t risk proving yourself to other riders, you have to stay in your safe zone while riding. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to go out and try new stuff, but do not do it if you do not feel safe and you can already predict that it will end wrong. When you tell yourself this, I will not succeed. Your body reacts to it immediately. The body becomes less flexible and your reflexes are slower because you have fear in your head. You need to feel relaxed so that the bike can move under you, otherwise your learning is forced and you will need more time to master skills and the chances of fails and crashes are high. As you progress each time with small steps, your self-confidence will grow. In order to build self-confidence, it is important that you do not say bad thoughts to yourself, I cannot do that, I am not capable, I will never progress. You need to think positively and with that your body immediately reacts differently. So you have to take small steps, because you will feel that you can do it. Tell yourself I have the knowledge and skill to do it, and I can do it with a little effort and practice.

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Over the years your videos have been getting better and better. They were good, now they are inspiring. Much respect! I even link your youtube channel in some of my videos. Thanks for teaching us so much!! 💪


Great video bud, best Chanel in youtube at the moment! Let us have some more 150 sx videos 😊 I like the voice over aswell


Sehr gutes Video! Nicht nur im Bezug auf Moto-Cross, sondern auch wie man Mental auf falsches Training reagiert und das zählt für alle Sportarten!


I can tell English isn’t your native language, but man you speak it so well. Thank you 🙏


Thanks for sharing your time and videos with us and me.


First video I've seen that I can remember the mental aspect mentioned. Like many other things it's mind over matter. If u think it, it will happen. That is 100% correct what u said and I can speak that from years of experience in many xtreme sports including mx. I've been though the mental on both sides positive and negative and learned it is best to stick with a positive mindset even when u know ur n trouble. U can say oh s**t I'm fk'd! And get fk'd. Or oh shit, i better do this adjustment to pull out of this or fix it! And u manage to pull out of it or at least adjust your body in a way to limit damage in a crash. The negative panic will end negatively and the positive panic will correct or limit potential. Falling is a guarantee so u can't fear it or it will happen more often.

I once went out and met up with friends to ride one day and messed around a little around the lot but had that gut feeling not to go on the track and my friend kept telling me to just ride but i had that gut instinct not to and it got in my mental and i refused to ride that day because of it like if my intuition and mind r telling me not to go, if i go then i won't mentally b there and something bad will happen. Dirt bikes and tracks r too dangerous to gamble with so if I'm not mentally there, I'm not riding. U need to know when to say no or turn around.


Thanks for sharing your experience, I have just bought my new bike, but I feel like it so heavy and quite high, I have felled multiples time while off road.


You’re a bad dude! Thanks for the cool skills videos


Très joli partage meilleurs vœux pous 2022 avec toujours cette passion l'enduro 👍👌💪🗽


nice movie enjoyed watching it very much


Pozdrowienia z Polski i najlepszego tunera od zawieszeń Shock suspension 👍


Take it slow and don't push yourself too much if you aren't comfortable because that can lead to panic and crashes


How is it that your alls two strokes sound calm and my ktm idles higher. Won’t stay running doing controlled slow wheelies.


Easy to practice when your feet touch the ground, but when you are short, , it is way more difficult to do it


great vid as always. from my personal experience theres also one major factor for learning dirt riding. new riders must ride an 125 or if they dont like 2 strokes or theyre overweight a 250f. its the most important thing. i cant stand seeing people getting a 300 2t for first bike. they see videos on 300 in extreme enduro and think they can handle it. problem is they actually can cause 300 apart from the beast it is and capable of amazing things in the hands of a pro, it can also be ridden on very low rpm cause it has tons of torque and idles without stalling BUT that way riders dont learn how to ride, instead they depending on low rpm with 1st gear to do an uphill instead pf pin out a smaller bike. I see people riding 300 for over a decade and still remain amateurs. edit: just remember you upload an excellent 150tpi vid the other day, so keep up the great work!


good video...I'll volunteer if you need a narrator


you can do this on lightweight bikes, but what about 600 enduros


Naw i just haven’t rid in a while and frogot almost everything
