Chickens Will Destroy Your Lawn! Does It Ever Grow Back???

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Keeping our chickens in a mobile coop and chicken tractor was great, but we didn't move them often enough. They tore up the grass, and we were afraid it would never grow back. Watch what happened over a 5 month period.

GrubTerra Chicken Treats: use coupon code RIGGIN to get 10% off!

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My yard had been slowly drying up and the grass line receded until half of it was nothing but dry dirt. Then we got a flock of chickens and let them roam freely in the yard. The yard has never grown this green or tall before. And the grass has completely reclaimed all of the dirt in the yard. They are really good animals to have in the yard


Thanks for Short and Specific facts you have presented here.


Our neighbor moves his every week or two. He has three locations through which he rotates. By the time he's back to a spot, it has fully recovered, so well within a month. This is in Ireland.


My problem is they dig big holes which makes the ground uneven and terrible.


This is driving me nuts. I just planted decorative grass on my tiny patch of lawn only to find it destroyed by the neighbor's loose chicken the morning after. Fixed it, destroyed again. This is day 3 of me fixing the grass every morning and afternoon.


Nice video! Thank you!
I was thinking about using chickens to prepare the soil for a no till vegetable garden to clear the grass. Those weeds and clovers that were grown after 8-10 weeks would it not be hindered if you did let the chickens in situ for longer so that they would scratch the ground and eat the weed seeds?


Would different breeds such as silkies be much less destructive on the grass? I hear some breeds are more intense foragers than other breeds…?
