NLP Modelling - Game Changer! (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

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This is a short video from the 2019 NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) conference at the Park Inn, Heathrow, London.

Looking back personally, the origins of my hypnosis odyssey lay with NLP. The discovery of NLP and its underlying principles was a serious game-changer in my life ESPECIALLY the idea that underlies NLP Modelling... that all that we are is patterns, and patterns can be uncovered and duplicated.

The was the beginning of 'life coaching' myself into a different way of being and creating.

And if you are looking for more deep knowledge on using your mind to shape your life, make sure you subscribe here on James Tripp Chaos Wave
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always good videos ;) where can i find some good nlp models online? anything you would recommend in perticular?

p.s. i have an abundance of material concerning nlp, my problem is where to start, so chances are i own already the book the model is in, lol, i like to collect as much as i can on a subject, when i am looking into it, nlp just has so much to learn, i also have had a bad habbit of getting side tracked :P before i can effectively implement these things, so i am thinkin i need to focus on something and drill it inn, which is why im asking for your recommendation :P


Well, damn it! I am trying to find the right beach and a sandcastle builder worth apprenticing to... I suspect I am now in a cycle of procrastination in which I endlessly research and “learn”. Indeed, action and implementation is the missing component. It isn’t helping that I am quite literally as far from a “ beach” as is geographically possible and the overwhelming number of methods and programs make selecting a “ mentor” pretty daunting. Financial considerations are also a factor...I guess taking out a second mortgage might make a good return on investment. I am thinking positively, right? 😆🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh, and I had so hoped to catch up with you at Hypnothoughts 2019 and at least catch the nonverbal part of your training. I am afraid finances do not permit. If this training is part of your video product (including the with doctoring) I would be interested. I don't agree it is any substitute for live training, but we can only work with what becomes available.


Modelling is a presupposition isn’t it really or a type of placebo
Because when it’s mentioned people assume you can choose the skills and attributes
Of a role model
Someone famous from history like Albert Einstein

And another presupposition is you become him by thinking like him
You actually visualise yourself in first person physically stepping inside the role model
And behave like them copying the physiology until it clicks into place

Does this mean by becoming a Genius like Einstein
There is a assumption that we will discover like he discovered

E=MC for example
Is it possible by a blinding flash of insight you will make new discoveries

Maybe finishing the connection between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics


As a child I modeled many different people to learn their skills and communication styles and found myself as a mutant mix of everybody I had ever met. But who am I? Are we all just the sum of everybody we have ever been in rapport with following our base drives to the tune of some invisible puppet masters?


Brilliant? James perhaps you have reached the point where the illusive "they" begin to model you. But seriously, I am just an Nlp practitioner, so I have had little exposure to modeling. I know that Bandler and Pucelik brought Grinder in. John seemed to have the wizardry to do the modeling. Pucelik said that all he did for eight years was modeling... Meta he called it. So what resources can you recommend a fellow traveler who wants to learn the original modeling, or perhaps even better renditions? I don't know if Grinder is teaching it. I am almost certain Bandler is too paranoid to teach it. Puclik seems committed to addiction resolution in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Any books or training you might recommend?


Great video, thanks for posting! I'm curious though, are there negative aspects to modeling? That is if take up a certain type of model of the world how would I best avoid negative attributes (such as a proclivity towards greed when considering financial models) that may come along with that and focus in on the positive ones?
