RODAN 2019 VS OTACHI 2013 #like #edit

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to be honest, the fight is very interesting and if we want to determine the winner, then we need to sort everything out abstractly, let’s start with the dimensions, Rodan’s size is 154 ft (46.94 m) tall with a weight of 39, 043 tons and a wingspan of 871 ft (265.48 m) and the length reaches 207 feet and she is 63 meters tall and weighs 2036 tons, that is, the otachi is longer, well, Rodan is much heavier, well, in general, Rodan is superior here, he is more massive and larger, if we talk about strength, then Rodan is definitely superior, because first of all, he fought on equal terms with King Ghidorah himself and resisted Mothra, but Otachi resisted the huntsmen and only defeated the Cherno Alpha, well, she gave a worthy rebuff to the tramp; also Otachi has an excellent weapon for close combat; this is a tail with a powerful grip and three claws; and Otachi can also spit acid and, unlike Rodan, she can swim; well, Rodan is superior kaiju in intelligence and strength, because he withstood Ghidorah’s attacks and missile shots from a bomber, well, Mothra was able to pierce him without problems, well, his strength is still superior to Rodan, the result will be Rodan, because he has more advantages because he is heavier, smarter, faster, tougher and stronger, and otachi only has the advantage due to the acidity of the estate, the ability to swim, fly and walk on land.
