Would You Rather Filthy Rich Edition 🤑 💰

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What choices would you make if you had all the money in the world? Let's find out in the Filthy Rich edition of Would You Rather! This is going to be super fun!

For this Would You Rather game, that's all about being super rich, having lots of money and permitting any luxury you can imagine, we have prepared 30 tough choices for you. Get ready to choose between mansions, private jets, fancy cars and more!

We hope you enjoy playing Would You Rather Filthy Rich edition! For more great quizzes and games please subscribe to our channel, The Quiz Show. We promise lots of fun!
Рекомендации по теме

Live in a castle
Drive brand new sports car
Private jet
Lose money and find true love
Donate to charity
Theme park
Outer space
Eat with golden cutlery
Filthy rich royalty
Golf course
Favorite Singer
World better place
Private Island
Car collecter
Buy Mansion
Show lifestyle
Mafia boss
10 times richer


2.new sportcar
3.private jet
4.stay rich
5.ultra modern interior
6.charity (like mr.beast)
7.gold rolex
8.water park
9.outer space
10.gold cutlery
12. golf course
13.private concert
14.better place
15.jacuzzi with chocolate
16. private island
17. car collector
18.buy a mansion
20.mafia boss
21. working 12 times richer
22. plant million trees
23.gold plated iphone
24.those r in need
25.dollar bill
26.pay for my kids
27.luxury brands
28.personal chef
29.stay sensible
30. diving resort


1. Castle
2. Elegant classic
3. Private jet
4. Be rich the rest
5. Hang the Mona Lisa
6. Become Famous
7. Wear Smartwatch
8. Have a Waterpark
9.Buy Tickets to Space
10. Poo on golden loo
11. Won the lottery
12. Golfcourt
13. Concert with Favorite Singer
14. Anything i want
15. None
16. Private island
17. Art Collector
18. Buy a Mansion
19. Keep it hidden
20. Be Mafia Boss
21. 10 Times Richer
22. 100 Stray Dogs
23. Have Golden Case of IPhone
24. Give it to friends
25. Have a Statue
26. Pay for the kid’s future
27. Wear Durable clothes
28. Have a personal Chef
29. Both
30. Own a Diving Resort


I WOULD prefer a castle to a penthouse.


One pent two sports car 3 pi either jet 4 lose money 5 mona 6 become a 7 smart watch 8 water park 9 idk 10 idk byee


1. Live in a penthouse
2. Drive a brand new sportscar
3. Have a private jet
4. Lose your money and find true love
5. Have an ultra modern interior
6. Donate to charity anonymously
7. Wear a smart watch
8. Have a water park in your backyard
9. Buy tickets to visit outer space
10. Eat with golden cutlery
11. Be filthy rich because you were born as royalty
12. Own a vineyard in France
13. Get a live performance by your favorite actor
14. Spend your money on making the world a better place
15. Bathe in a Jacuzzi filled with bubbly chocolate
16. Own a private island
17. Be a car collector
18. Rent apartments and travle the world
19. Show off your luxurious life to the world
20. Become a mafia boss
21. Stay rich and never work again
22. Pay to save 100 stray dogs
23. None...if I can't do that then (have a gold plated iPhone)
24. Give half your fortune away to those in need
25. Get your face planted on the dollar bill
26. Pay for your kids entire future
27. I gusse both bit if I can't do that either I'll pick (wear minimal, durable clothes)
28. Have a personal chef
29. Stay sensible with money
30. Own a ski lodge in aspen


1. Penthouse 2. Sports car 3. Priv jet 4. Stay rich the rest of life 5. Have a modern interior 6. Become famous 7. Rolex 8. Outar space


Live an a penthouse. Drive a sports car. Have an private yacht. Stay rich. Have an ultra modern interior. Donate to charity. Wear a vintage gold Rolex. Have a theme park in my backyard. Buy tickets to visit outer space. Eat with golden cutlery. Filthy rich royalty. Own a golf course. Both. World a better place. Both. Own a private island. Be an art collector. Settle down and buy a mansion. Keep my life style hidden. Both. Because 10 times richer working 12 hours a day. Pay to save dogs. Both. Give half of my Fortune to my friends. Face printed on a dollar bill. Pay for My kids future until they have enough money. Both. Both. Stay sensible with money. Own a diving resort. In the Maldives


brand new car
private yacht
stay rich
ultra modern interior
become a famous philanthropist
gold Rolex
water park
buy tickets
eat with golden


I would be happy 😊 and be rich but be kind to ather people


Penthouse Classic Yacht Stay rich Ultra modern Charity Smart watch both 😄 Space Golden cultury Royalty Golf Singer Better place
Jacuzie Island duh Cars also duh Mansion Hidden Uh neither Never work Trees IPhone In need Statue Future Durable Chef Never care Diving


At 10 i say"eat golencutlery "🤣


Live in a Penthouse
Drive an Elenant classic
Have a private Jet
Stay rich the rest of your life and find a man
Have an ultra modern interior
Become a famous philanthropist
Wear a smartwatch
Have a theme park in your backyard
Buy tickets to visit outer space
Poo on gold loo
Be fltthy rich because you were born as royalty
Own a vineyard in France
Have a private concert with your favourite singer
Spend your money on making the world better place
Swim In a pool filled with champagne
Own sports team
Be Art Collector
Rent apartment and travel the world
Show off your luxurious life to the world
Become a mafia boss
Become ten times richer working 12 hours a day
Pay to save 100 stray dogs
Have a gold plated IPhone
Give half your fortune away to those in need
Got your face planted on the dollar bill
Pay for your Kid entire future
Wear flashy luxury brands
Have a personal Chef
Spend money and never care
Own a diving resort in the Maldives


I would like to have a
Castle and not a


Live in a castle
Drive an *elegant* classic
Have a *private yacht*
Be *RRRICH* my guy
Hang the *Mona Lisa* more classic style plus I'm gonna be robbed // *Donate* to *charity* anonymously!
Wear a *smartwatch* more *abilities*
Have a waterpark in my backyard
Neither no need for *gold*
Own a *golf* course in *scotland* France is boring trust me
*spend my money* on making the world a *better* place!
Neither the last one was caring about the environment why?
Own a *private* island adventuring at its *best!*
Be a *car collector* collecting them *dodges*
Settle down tagging along with my *mom IN MY MANSION!*
Have a *known* channel that's *inspirational* and no wasting foods! // Neither the *illuminati* is bad *mafia* stuff is bad
Become ten times richer for my job... *GAMING!
Pay to plant a *MILLION!* trees!
Neither pretty lame gold stuff ehh
Half of my *5T* fortune to *those in need!
Have a statue of my honor with written "dumb idiot *gaming* guy" // Don't give my *kids a single dime* they need to *work!*
Wear durable *nice* clothes
Neither I love *cooking*
Stay sensible with *money!*
Own a *diving* resort in the *Maldives!*
*And that wraps it up I'm just a guy who is honest and tbh I picked the most right choices! Caring for others!*


I'm in a masion now. My perants are multi millionares


I’m only 9 years old and way to young to drink champagne 🍾


Live in a penthouse
Drive an elegant classic
Have a private jet
Lose my money and fine true love
Have an ultra modern interior
Become a famous philanthropist
Wear a smartwatch
Have a water park in my backyard
Buy a submarine
Eat with golden cutlery
Be filthy rich because born as royalty
Own a golf course in Scotland
Have a private concert with my favorite singer
Spend my money on making the world a better place
Bathe in a Jacuzzi filled with bubbly chocolate
Own a private island
Be an art collector
Rent apartment and travel the world
Keep my lifestyle hidden
Join the Illuminati
Stay rich and never work again
Pay to play a million trees
Have a gold plated iPhone
Give half my fortune away to those in need
Get my face planted on the dollar bill
Pay for my kid's entire future
Wear minimal, durable clothes
Have a personal chef
Stay sensible with money
Own a diving resort in the Maldives


1. “Live In A Castle”
2. “Drive An Elegant Classic”
3. “Have A Private Jet”
4. “Stay Rich For The Rest Of My Life”
5. “Have An Ultra Modern Interior”
6. “Donate To Charity Anonymously”
7. “Wear A Smartwatch”
8. “Have A Theme Park In My Backyard”
9. “Buy A Submarine”
10. “Poo On A Golden Loo”
11. “Be Filthy Rich Because I Won The Lottery”
12. “Own A Golf Course In Scotland “
13. “Get A Live Performance By My Favorite Actor”
14. “Spend My Money On Buying Anything I Want”
15. “Bathe In A Jacuzzi Filled With Bubbly Chocolate”
16. “Own A Private Island”
17. “Be An Art Collector”
18. “Settle Down & Buy A Mansion”
19. “Show Off My Luxurious Life To The World”
20. “Become A Mafia Boss”
21. “Stay Rich & Never Work Again”
22. “Pay To Save 100 Stray Dogs”
23. “Have A Gold Plated iPhone”
24. “Give Half Of My Fortune Away To My Friends”
25. “Have A Statue Built In My Honor”
26. “Pay For My Kid’s Entire Future”
27. “Wear Minimal, Durable Clothes”
28. “Have A Personal Chef”
29. “Stay Sensible With Money”
30. “Own A Ski Resort In Aspen”
