What is swine 'flu?

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Commonly known as swine 'flu, where did the H1N1 virus come from and what are the symptoms? Prof Raina MacIntyre, Head of School
of Public Health and Community Medicine at UNSW, explains.

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I had the swine flu, so I feel a lot better now, knowing I survived this, so corona doesn't seem that scary anymore

I know covid-19 has a higher mortality rate, I was just referring to the certainty, that this is gonna end. Personally it feels like a never ending thing right now, but since most of us went through the swine flu, we all know, that this is over some day.


Dont mind me just doing research on all the viruses over the years


Whos here when the coronavirus is here


I survived the Meningitis outbreak, swine flu, Mayan Calendar world end in 2012, Zika, and Ebola. I think I'll be okay during this "Beer Flu" season.


Who’s here before it blows up on the news


This is so crazy cos I had this infection at the age of 6 and I was born in 2002.I literally had all the symptoms she described and i was bedridden for about 3-4 weeks at home.Its odd because my mam would always sleep beside me regardless of the flu and she never caught it.I think its because i had to weak that mask at all times excluding baths and showers. My family fully thought i was going to die.That was definitely the scariest moment of my life seeing my mom cry all the time when she seen me.I never even understood why at the time either.


Why does she look like she’s in the 80s?


Me: Yes vacation time
Covid: Excuse me?


Things didn't shut down and things weren't restricted during swine flu.


Life went on as normal during this pandemic.


When I was 9 I had a really terrible cold so I stayed home
When I came back to school it felt like 10 days when it was actually 2. I'm going to try and explain the suffering as possible as I can but the pain was like when you hit your head very hard. It was like every second. I feel like I could make a new virus if I went outside my room.
Can somebody tell me what kind of cold that was?


I still remember late 2009 when I went into hospital with swine flu. I was 9 and had never been in hospital longer than a couple hours . I was there a week fighting off the virus . Felt worse with that than covid


is this worse than covid? I don't remember schools closing down for swine flu in 2009, but this year with covid 19, they're closing schools.


The swine flu was 100x worse than covid for me.

The first day was throwing up 5-7 times. All of my stomach contents erupted out of my mouth. Dry heaving started. Puke turned green. And that was only day 1.

Day 2 started with migraines. Throwing up again 5-7 times. Dry heaving. Zero water and zero food. Could not hold anything down. Was buzzing on a high fever and dizziness. Throw up turned yellow and clear.

Day 3 my dry heaving turned red. And orange. No food or water. Was dizzy all day. I was crawling to the toilet to throw up.

Day 4 was spent cuddled up in the shower. Fighting to stay conscious. Was dry heaving onto myself as luke warm wster was dribbling from the shower. Puke turned shades of purple and brown and red. No food or water. Yes you heard me. No water for 4 days. NONE.

Day 5 was a fight for my life. NO WATER. I crawled to the toilet, short of breath, crying rivers of tears. My phone was also in the bathroom, and I was going to call 911 because my body was shutting down, and i could literally feel my heart skipping beats. My brain wasnt working. I was forgetting what i was supposed to be doing as i was crawling in tears. I puked on the door. On the floor. I lifted my head over the toilet, and after days of dribbles and dry heaving, out of my mouth vomited what can only be described as BLACK WATER. a fucking liter of it even after days and days of NO WATER. I have never seen anything like it.

The moment that black tar water exited my body, i passed out.

I woke up hours later. And i felt amazing.

It was the single worse experience of sickness i think i have ever had. And my parents left me at home and didnt understand how bad it was. I was 16.

Covid was nothing. Headaches and everything tasted like ketchup.


swine flu lasted from january 2009 to august 2010.


Umm I have a question.does a flue jab count?


Thats why me and my Family dont eat pigs by the way whos here from the coronavirus?


My father and sister in law in South Africa just was diagnosed with this


The days when viruses weren’t political. How I miss it


I had the swine flu really bad when I was 5 and I never knew what it was till now
