Questions for Materialists: Part 1

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The first in a series of questions. Please try them out with your materialist friends!

Is the mechanistic worldview a testable scientific theory, or a metaphor?

If it is a metaphor, why is the machine metaphor better in every respect than the organism metaphor?
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The intelligence of the human heart knows the difference.


I was watching actual hummingbirds hovering a few feet away, right before starting this! 😁
Interesting resonance, at least for me!


According to Vivekananda, matter is mind at its most crude expression and mind is matter at its most subtile expression. Not as unidireccional as materialist science sees it. So seeing nature metaphorically as a living being, as you brilliantly put it, should be just logical. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


I would say to that, that it seems the real reason we humans are so passionate about this question, is because we want to know what to do with free will. And why the defence of the mechanistic view is so organized and almost feels coordinated and even at times militant, is because they would argue that there is no free will. Hoping that by ignoring it we don't have to question our actions or change ourselves inspite our inner promptings. Being an organism implies a life force that can be endowed with will. And if so, we must take responsibility, we must grow-up. Become embodied.


I wouldn't get your hopes up on engaging materialists in any numbers on questioning or testing their faith. I'm more impressed at how theologians are far more open to testing their beliefs than materialists.


Love this format! I remember reading the Science Delusion and being outraged by the assumptions upon which so much of our worldview is based.


thank you, Rupert Sheldrake, for before knowing about you I felt very misunderstood. You are all the feedback I needed from humankind.


I hope one day the scientific community will realise that science actually doesn't support materialism.


The concept of morphic fields is incredibly elegant and true. I like the idea that memories are stored outside the body in fields. It makes sense... How could chemicals record store, or retrieve memories? Thanks to Rupert for forcing us to face these questions.


Good video ♥♥♥! As a current YouTuber, I am always looking for creative ideas! Excellent Job!


I suppose the question could be answered by asking are we Spirit or Physical? I suspect it's both. We (the all inclusive) are dual natured. Thank you.


In the book Metaphilosophy of Creation, Dr Ramaiah deciphered the vedic science texts. One particular finding was that all matter comes from the different kinds of subtle energies in sun light. There are so many elements not found in modern science. A Sanskrit professor was able to produce new forms of nano particles based on these vedic texts. And all light rays are manifestations of God and our consciousness. The Sun is a manifestation of God, and it is conscious. Looking forward to a new version of this The Science Delusion.


Why? Because it works and is the only sound explanation so far.


I am seeing a lot more questioning, more review of the dogmas - this is encouraging. The big bang theory is one such review, as in, it never happened.


Although the mechanistic proposal asserts that everything is a mere coincidence, void of any sense or purpose. The fact that the mechanistic proposal has such prominence, and mercilessly scrutinised any alternative, is anything but a coincidence. To think that the mainstream scientific community is anymore immune to financial leverage, than the mainstream media, is illusory. Lacking in 'purpose', we are provided one be the 'establishment', to be voracious consumers, and defend their 'values' as 'scientific'. The widespread imposition of the mechanistic dogma only stifles the opportunity to develop our full potential, (while keeping our domination safe). How can we possibly develop abilities while being constrained by a doctrine of self-denial?


Only one word could describe what we are beautiful. But for a few keeping us from it.


Every one is seaching for something or trying to improve their lives, so i have always thought that EVERYTHING is connected, so our state of mind or current state of mind is effected by everyone who lives on this planet and everthing beyond.


None of my friends are intelligent enough to understand or answer those questions


The mechanistic unconscious view is so ridiculous... When was the last time one of our complex machines simply manifested without being a well planned idea first? Seems like the materialist want to hold humans to some different standard than they hold to rest of the reality to. I will never understand how someone can miss such blatant cognitive dissonance.


Surely all categories are true depending apon the degree of focus you apply.
