101 Tips And Tricks For Civ 3

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0:15 Chopping Forests
3:28 Capture units/workers
4:30 Armies and Great Leaders
7:26 Culture Flips
10:27 Anarchy
14:22 Wartime and Golden Ages
21:16 Resources and Map Generation.
27:48 Game Rules And Difficulty Levels
31:29 Goodie Huts and Popping Settlers
36:04 Corruption
41:31 Combat and Promotions
42:38 Does the AI Cheat?
45:50 How is the interturn structured?
53:07 The City Center Tile
59:30 Wonders
1:08:02 Misc (Boats, espionage, stealth bombing)
1:12:30 Overflow/Micro
1:14:28 Hurry Production
1:18:44 More about culture
1:21:26 More about resources
1:23:36 Diplomacy
1:27:28 Barbarians
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Dude thank you, I used to play this game when I was way too young to even understand it therefore leaving it on my shelf for over a decade. Just re-installed it and watched your tutorials and I am having so much fun with this game! Seriously, you are awesome. Keep on doing what you do. Take care!


Nice set of tips -definitely a few new ones for me. One I didn't see is that if you screw up, and multiple cities go into civil disorder for whatever reason (eg loss of a luxury over the end turn), you can avoid all disorders after the first event / built item. Enter the first city when the notification pops up, then use arrow keys to cycle through all your other cities and adjust specialists before the rest trigger.


Thanks for posting these. It brings me back to the old school days where there werent swamps, and no multi-player. My brother and I would play together, giving over the first setler, and acting like we were different players.


Hey, I really didn't intend for this video to be this long, but I also didn't want to split it into parts. I will add timestamps with links to different topics so that it's easier to navigate.

0:15 Chopping Forests
3:28 Capture units/workers
4:30 Armies and Great Leaders
7:26 Culture Flips
10:27 Anarchy
14:22 Wartime and Golden Ages
21:16 Resources and Map Generation.
27:48 Game Rules And Difficulty Levels
31:29 Goodie Huts and Popping Settlers
36:04 Corruption
41:00 Combat and Promotions
42:38 Does the AI Cheat?
45:50 How is the interturn structured?
53:07 The City Center Tile
59:30 Wonders
1:08:02 Misc (Boats, espionage, stealth bombing)
1:12:30 Overflow/Micro
1:14:28 Hurry Production
1:18:44 More about culture
1:21:26 More about resources
1:23:36 Diplomacy
1:27:28 Barbarians


You can have a unit spawn more than 1 leader IF you upgrade it. Say, if an elite warrior spawns a leader, becomes a swordsman and then wins a battle as an elite it can spawn another leader (assuming one can spawn at all). It works once for every upgrade, probably because as far as the game is concerned it's a different unit. But as it keeps its given name, I consider it one and the same.
Beyond that, great video. Specially the part about the forbidden palace.


Wifey and I have been playing a Civ3 scenario (game comes with an editor) on hot seat mode for like two decades. I have modified the units to where there is much more in the way of tactics: everything moves at least one faster (except heavy stuff like cannon, but it shoots farther), there is much more bombardment available as an option, and new units like the "spy-bomber" give us humans a big advantage over the AI.
The spy-bomber is the former explorer changed by the editor to be a cheap, fast, invisible unit that drives the AI crazy because it isn't "smart" enough to post old units on important sites to keep the weak spy-bombers from pillaging.


Love this channel. Recently downloaded Civ3 since i wanted to play Civ but everything after 4 seems weird. Civ4 was alright but Civ3 was one of my favorite games when i was a kid but I hadn't played since like 2005. And back then I didn't really know any of the mechanics and only played in chieftain. I remember going a difficulty higher and always failing. This time i learned the mechanics of the game and used the help of your videos and I won a 64 hour long game on Regent (large map, max AI count, conquest win only). Looking forward to higher difficulties now. This game is so addicting I actually have to force myself to stop playing.


I never knew you could relocate citizens to different tiles. So much is being unlocked


Your videos are the reason i migrate from civ 4 to 3. Great work Man, you explain yourself in a clear and polish way!


Great vid! Amazing lifespan on this game... 20+ years later, there are still players. Amazing.


I rewatch this every 3 months and learn something new lol


This is awesome, thanks for all the work.


I've been playing this game for "YEARS" now but kind of knowledge you gave is extraordinary. You truly are Einstein of Civ 3. Great! Job. Love from Pakistan.


I experienced the culture flip unit culling yesterday for the first time. I always knew the couple units I kept on a city died in a flip, but thought I'd be able to hold the city for a bit longer than a turn or two. just about the turn after I took a city, it flipped, and I hadn't moved like 30 units off the city from the last turn

rip that battle


Right of the bat, you killed my ego. Here I thought I was clever chopping forests to hurry my wonder production, and had no idea it was in vain, lol.


Dude!! Thanks a lot for this video, this is a very dear game to me and your level of commitment to it is inspiring! Just to mention, about point 16. In one of my games i was conquering a lower civ but with very high amount of population. So for example, when conquered it messaged "there are 11 resistance in the city" so what happens is that you have to "force loved you" which is hard in republic, and none problematic in Democracy, but if the influence around it still of the nationality for a lot, they can flip 2 ~ 3 turns.


This should be part of the official handbook... Great video.


2 other examples of turb order are pollution and enemy movement. Pollution ticks before food and shields are applied. Also an enemy movement can knock you off a tile before it ticks. When you might have expected that third pop for your setler, or the 10th shield for the 1 turn warrior, you can be interrupted.


36:51 My understanding is that cities will use the forbidden palace city for calculating distance corruption if it is closer than the capital city, but rank corruption still calculates based off the capital. Calculated corruption can go way over 100% before it is capped, so that is probably why you don't see a change. It's effect would probably be most noticeable if you had cities with fairly low rank but high distance, maybe you started on a small island without too many cities and your next cities are on a continent halfway across the map, or something similar.


Love the vid Suede. This game was a big part of my childhood. Video suggestion for you tho…ranking all civ3 tracks. This game is filled with BANGERS 🔥
