Game Theory: You Were MEANT To Die! (Finding Frankie)

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Finding Frankie is a parkour based horror game that's taken YouTube by storm recently! It's a refreshing spin on a genre that doesn't usually require intense gameplay, but it stays consistent where it matters... in the lore! There's a secret hiding within this dark murder game and I'm gonna be the one to expose it!

Writers: Eddie “NostalGamer” Robinson, and Tom Robinson
Editors: Warak, JayskiBean, Tyler Mascola, and Danial "BanditRants" Keristoufi
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
Thumbnail Artist: DasGnomo
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#FindingFrankie #IndieHorror #Theory #GameTheory
Рекомендации по теме

- A deadly rabbit
- A character named Michael with brother issues
- A disgraced executive lured into a dangerous situation involving animatronics
I know I've never been in this town before, but I'm feeling some strong déjà vu.


What would make this game better is if the player is actually innocent, and Michael is just paranoid and looking for someone to blame when it was always just an accident. Thus he's punishing an innocent man. I'd be a freaking revolutionary plot twist for this kind of indie horror game, that I'm kinda surprised hasn't really been done yet.


It's also notable that both Frankie and Henry are actively lying to you. They claim that you're the only one who's ever made it this far, but there are bodies EVERYWHERE, even places that have allegedly never been reached. Also, one of the chat messages mentions the hex-a-gon boss fight, which the chat shouldn't know about if no one's made it there.


At last…I have them all.

2:17 side of the cereal box.
6:55 Top right corner
7:54 Santi’s arm
12:23 upper right wall
16:31 very small but it’s on one of the squares to the left of the tv



I am also a developer of the 3-D model of Frankie’s design! I have never thought the game can reach this amount of high popularity!!!❤

This just makes my heart pound. But remember, from here

Everything changes…


Tom just casually dropping that he worked for FOX and Disney is insane


Thanks for the video!!! I'm the 2D animator and 2D artist of the new Cartoon Frankie design!! Aaaaa I'm so happy to see The game mentioned by The Game Theorists


Always happy to see my gameplay be represented in a Game Theory video!! ; )


"Did you find the Five Freddys that I hid throughout this video?"

Ah yes. Get those sweet, sweet extra watch minutes, Tom.


18:43 No way their making us do this for a 20 minute video 💀


Plot twist: Stan wasn't the killer and he was framed for it so that someone else could get something possibly company secrets


Yeah, I think everyone kinda got that when Frankie said

"Stop messing up MY FU**ING GAME SHOW!"


Tom! You missed the 4th contestant being unaccounted for and allegedly surviving by walking backwards in the beginning of the games, it could be possible that our character is DEAD and replaced by the fourth at the last second.


its also heavily implied that the mascots aren’t sentient or even alive but just regular old animatronics with regular old voice actors behind them to create a thrilling narative for the viewers since you can literally find the costumes/animatronics in a room with info beside them about wether or not they return next season


The protagonist doesn't survive in the end. If you looked back at that white board in the room with Other Frankie, yes it does say to keep the protagonist alive but it also says when he should be eliminated, at Hex Havoc. While the 4th contestant written on the board is left blank. And if you noticed, at the beginning of the game, you see the 2 contestants on the right getting killed but...what happened to the other contestant on the left? They went back into the changing room where they put on the costumes and hid throughout the entire game until the protagonist was killed off. We didn't survive to receive the cash prize, the 4th unknown contestant did, the final part of the game after Hex Havoc was in their pov as he gets his reward


16:46 I have to admit, I really want to know if he's actually guilty because if he isn't that just makes the situation so much worse ngl.


I always love when game theory introduces me to games I’ll never touch

(my anxiety rules me even in digital games)


I love how everyone has so much PTSD from fnaf that its nearly impossible to not see fnaf in literally everything


1:38 "Why are we still here? Just to suffer. Every night, i can feel my leg, my arm, even my fingers."


A game about trying to off a murderous CEO that killed someone? That's coincidentally timely.
