?Riddles To Perfect Your Analytical Skills?

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Here is a set of tricky riddles to perfect your analytical skills! These escape riddles with answers will increase your intelligence and general knowledge. If you want to give your brain a great workout and improve your logical skills, then don't waste your time and check these brain teasers out! Remember, that solving riddles is always the best way to increase your logic and improve your brain power ;)

00:40 - Test your logic and survival skills with this tricky riddle: On Monday, Lara woke up and had breakfast. She grabbed her phone and went to the dig. It was in the city, cell reception everywhere. Suddenly Lara realized she was alone in a pit. All of her colleagues had gone home. In the pit, she found: a shovel, a pickaxe, a saw. How can Lara get out of the pit?

01:26 - Use your analytical skills to solve this brainy puzzle: The next day, Lara and her colleagues flew to Africa to dig. Before starting the dig, they wanted to have some fun. They decided to go on safari They had to choose an experienced guide. 3 people offered their services. Guide 1: “I take raw meat with me...to lure the rhinos closer. We can watch them from the bushes.” Guide 2: “I have my own jeep. We can roam freely around the savannah.” Guide 3: “I know where a hippo family lives. They just had babies. They’re so cute. We can get close and pet them.” Which guide should Lara choose?

02:59 - Another brain-boosting riddle that will make you do some hard thinking and test your attentiveness: Lara’s friend Michael called her on Thursday. He needed a team to dig in the Forgotten Lands. There’s a famous legend. It says there’s an ancient treasure hidden there. Lara and the others set out immediately. They flew in a small plane. Suddenly, the plane engines failed. They started falling. They all put on their parachutes and got ready to jump. Lara looked at her colleagues. She realized it was sabotage! One of them didn’t want the others to find the treasure. Who sabotaged the engines?

04:20 - Test your logical thinking and try to solve this tricky puzzle before the time is up: Lara jumped from the falling plane. She landed in the jungle. She tried to find her colleagues. Suddenly a leopard started chasing her. Lara found а tunnel. She climbed inside. It was divided into three other tunnels. She needed to choose quickly. It looked like a landslide was coming. There was a fire in the first tunnel. There was a huge cactus in the second. It was impossible to crawl through...without getting pricked. There were venomous rats in the third tunnel. Which tunnel is safe?

05:50 - Test your critical thinking and boost your IQ with this logic puzzle: The first tunnel led to an ancient tomb. Suddenly the floor collapsed! She jumped and grabbed a hook on the ceiling. There were 4 rooms down there. Each room had a door to freedom. Lara had to jump into one of the rooms. The first room had stone stakes. There was burning acid in the second room. In the third room were venomous snakes. There was a vampire coffin in the fourth room. Which room is safe?

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle completely blew your mind!

#escaperiddles #riddleswithanswers #trickyriddles

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Woah its kinda odd when 7-second riddles didn't use an intro


Random fact: A snail can sleep for three years. 🐌


*Who came here because of the thumbnail* 😂


How can they go back look where is his phone and where is his colleagues and where is the map.
Can you do a part two please?
And nice video.👍👍👍


I will go home but when I grow up I will find the


The actual answer to 6:55 is


She already has faced more problems so she can do it. So it is better to go find the treasure.


The best option is to go to home, because she is not prepared for what it would take to find the treasure.


Ok one question
If a liar said he’s a liar
Is he lying?


5:35 landslide can kill rats too so third is also safe. That's why they said that there is second choice


Hah, I might become a detective from watching this😂


She can call to someone with her phone


I'll go home 🏠.But where are her colleagues??


It's actually fun when you're called Diana


So love hippos, if we respect their home & space they'd respect us
