Using GIS for Managing and Sharing Critical Incident Mapping Data

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This video introduces key concepts of GIS technology and how it can serve as a facility management platform, while also meeting other needs, such as critical incident mapping, safety planning, and emergency response. We will explore how you can update your building floor plans and use them as a basemap for other layers and facility management workflows. This information can easily be shared, in view-only format, if preferred, with local law enforcement officials or state agencies through secured logins and group sharing.
00:00 Introduction
00:42 Common Pain Points for Facility Managers
01:45 Overview
02:13 The Technology- ArcGIS Platform
04:03 Data Collection
04:48 Processing Scan Data
05:29 Generating Base Layers
06:17 Creating Deliverables
07:17 Demonstration
33:00 Takeaways
33:46 Where to Start with Indoor Mapping