El CEO fingió un matrimonio con Cenicienta, pero cuando se divorció, ¡descubrió que la amaba!

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"La belleza encarcelada del CEO"1-100

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Can we please have more of these short dramas where the horrific abuser DOESN'T get forgiveness and a happy ending. He abused her and allowed others to abuse her physically and emotionally for years, and then in the last few minutes he changes his mind for no reason and wants to be a good husband? Gross. Jail and divorce please.


This man gives new meaning to the word scumbag. Im so disappointed that she actually took him back 😮


First time I see mother taking side with daughter in law, have watched a lot they always don’t like the daughter in law but this one love her daughter in law


Can we please stop with the abuse dramas where all is forgiven with barely any effort from ML. The way he treated her for 80% of the drama was disgusting and abusive, this needs to be condemned not worshipped. Give us a decent SML and let the heroine get revenge and find love with him instead.


For saying she wasn't going to forgive him easily... she forgave him really fkn easily lol 🙄😂


A man that would blame his child for an accident like that ain't fit to be a father. You lost a wife, honestly, you can get a new one of those. She lost a mom, there is no way she's getting a new one. Also, she'll forever live with the guilt and as a father you should help her with thst not push her to the brim.


I would never never accept him after what he did to her.


Him: * Tells his mistress he's not going to divorce his wife till after he impregnates her, so they can steal her child!
Him again: *Brutalises his wife till she needs to be hospitalised
Also him: *Shocked as he watches the video of his mistress telling his wife that they are going to steal her child and mistreat it


I think chinese drama wants to teach and groom women to be victims or conjugal abuse or else how do you explain these plots?


A show that depicts real life struggle of some women.
What's irksome is even in this supposedly fictional world, the abuser still gets off with just shallow apology.
FL is like a child, after given a little sugar she comes running back at him.
Can we at least give FL a real happy ending? And a backbone please...


There isn’t a snowballs chance in hell, I’d take that guy back. FL must have been booped upside the head too many times. He cried for two seconds and gave her flowers, and all was forgiven. Nope just give me some money… Thank you, next!


Todos estos dramas cortos tienen el mismo tema abusar de las mujeres y más de las embarazadas en que cabeza cabe que una mujer embarazada debe donar sangre y además obligada esto no se ve nisiquiera en el medio Oriente donde las mujeres tienen muy pocos derechos


Finally, seeing a drama where female lead’s parents-in-law supported her to the end and father-in-law helped out to find truth.


Um drama de violência onde o ator é muito bom, a atriz é ruim, sem feições marcantes a cada ação e o diretor foi muito condescendente com ela, deveria dar um jeito de fazer ela exprimir os sentimentos, neutra, sem vigor...Obrigada por traduzir português Brasil Administrador. Eu não gostei pelo extremo de humilhações, sadismo que a heroina sofreu e no final de braços e amassos com seu sádico, não tem amor-próprio, não se dá o devido valor como ser humano, um ser desprezível que vai ensinar os filhos a serem covardes, submissos ante a vida.


Un maltratador y además violador nunca se debe perdonar. Te la puede jugar otra vez cuando las cosas se pongan feas va hacer lo mismo, porque no hay amor, confianza, complicidad, sinceridad y respeto hacia la pareja.


Uma pessoa que está cercada de pessoas falsas até o único amigo é um canalha. Iria embora sem olhar pra traz. Não perdoava nenhum


This actor is one of the best at playing the bad guy. Funny because when he smiles he is really cute, but OMG, his “mean” face is top notch! Bravo. This said, I hate this kind of dramas, and I skipped good 2/3 of it!


এতো কিছুর পরেও এমন একজন মানসিক রোগী কে কিভাবে ক্ষমা করে ভালোবাসা যায় ?
I think এমনটা শুধু নাটকেই সম্ভব 😊


This is the first drama to see parents in laws to support their daughter in law from first to the end it's really massive ❤🙏


For 2 hours more, i really like the scene where the FL took contraceptic pill after spend night together, the ML prohibited her but she said that she just did what he told her to last time so she was used to it. And where he came to her office but no one recognized him and he complaing to his wife after that, as we know he was the one who never wanted to reveal the identity that they were married couple for years.. What a joke he made!!
