Makeup Brush Sets, Which Should You Get? | Makeup Brushes and Their Needs

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In this video, Makeup Brush Sets, Which Should You Get? Makeup Brushes and Their Needs, I focus on what each Brush Set offers and how they are rated in terms of their hair quality and their performace. I also assess which set I would have bought for some of the sets because not all of the sets are a recommend!!! Stay tuned to see which ones I recommend.

Brush Sets:

♥♥♥Tools commonly used when depotting and repressing shadows:
Antenna Magnet Tool (4 pack but the 5lb magnet was what was used)

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Whattt 400 for those brushes....well we all have those mistakes were made days Moda Brushes are excellent quality they last and you wouldnt be able to tell they act like very high end brushes


I love that Colourpop set! I was surprised how perfect it was especially since it has a brush for everything!


Aw I wish more people watched this video!
I am so glad I didn't pay for the face brushes from Sydney Grace -though of course, you are saying they are less disappointing than the eye brushes. I am not into the eye brushes at all, (and you know I love Sydney Grace) the only time I really reach for them is it I just need to kind of blend out something with a brush that has a lot of give. But ALL of them have so much give and lack density so they just don't perform the way I want my brushes to for eye looks. I've actually thought about just giving them away aside from maybe one 😅


I bought the Sydney Grace eye brush set. The one thing I can say for certain....
If you have arthritis, carp tunnel, or any problems with your hands, the light weight and skinny handles will hurt you more. I find that when I use their brushes, my hand goes into a major cramp and stops me completely. Now I know this is a personal experience and not everyone hands problems. However, if you do have these problems too, you will want a handle that is thicker and has weight, so the balance is right for you (individual preference). I can not stand the Sydney Grace brush set, nor could I recommend it. I gave them to my 15 year old daughter, and she said, "They don't pick up product well; but they blend well enough. I prefer my other brushes."


I have a couple of those bdellium golden triangles brushes & they're nice. I also have some Smith eye brushes & although they are soft, they are not dense enough for me. If you're talking synthetic brushes, I like Luxie & bh. For natural hair, I like Rephr & Sonia G. But the original Mac brushes will always be the GOAT imo. LOL


I am going to carry that bag of brushes for now on. It looks like it might come in handy in the future. 🤡🤖🤡


The ali brush set link doesn’t work. Would you mind updating it or how to search it?


I don't see the links for the top 2 sets?
