Prince Harry Regrets Drama W/ Royal Family After Platinum Jubilee Celebration?

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Royally Us:

Prince Harry & Prince William Awkward Platinum Jubilee & Moments You Missed | Royally Us

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The Royal Family is not behaving in a “belligerent” way. They, quite understandably, do not wish to be featured against their will in a Netflix special.


Harry and Meagan bear the sole responsibility for their reception by their actions of the last two years. Did you or did they really expect open arms, slaps on the back and a joyous greeting? Not gonna happen.


The meeting was 15min long with officials in place making sure Harkles don´t try anything funny.
Even Paddington bear got, more time with the Queen.


His Royal Highness Prince Louis is ADORABLE! Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Louis are the stars of the Jubilee celebrations!⭐️❤️⭐️❤️


They can’t seriously believe that people would come up to them and talk when they were wired with microphones so they could broadcast the conversations against people’s wills.


What treatment?! He basically abdicated! You can't have your cake and eat it! This is what they wanted- a private life. You can't want a "private life", then cry that you don't get the royal treatment and perks that go with it...they quit!


Freezing out? More like being necessarily wary of known snakes who enjoy biting their family most of all.


I can understand if Harry went there with his own apology and was met with a snub…but to demand an apology when none was offered for your part, especially when you started it all is a bit rich. He has been digging in since he started it all. What do people really expect ?


This guy has NO knowledge or credibility about the British Royal Family.


He bashed his family while his grandfather was in the hospital dying, he is the one that needs to grow up


The harkles trying to make it about them is wrong wrong wrong. The jubilee was about one person only - - the Queen!


The name Lili-Bet was the Queens Fathers' nickname for her because when she was little she couldn't pronounce Elizabeth. MM monetising that name is disgusting. MM is so transparent, she will statice & money grab at every opportunity. Harry & Megan were welcomed back to England after they left royal duties, that all changed after the Oprah interview (it has been proven MM lied in that interview). They have now lost the affection of a nation & rightly so.


After how Harry and Megan treated the Royal Family, how could he expect anything else? They lied and miss represented so much that a common person would not want to be in a conversation with Harry, unless it was documented.


Harry and Meghan got what they deserved. I am sure that reality was very hard for Harry. He is probably having great doubts about leaving his family and disparaging his relatives and the British people on the way out. They are lucky, they got an invitation and were treated with civility. And unless, he is totally deluded, in his heart he must understand why he sat with the rest of the courtiers. Harry and Meghan's "break out" path was mistaken. Somehow someone led them to believe that by just being 'royal' they would have a continuous meal ticket. But reality is cruel. And these two, who derided the royal family, have been forced to use their royal background in order to secure their income. Unfortunately, the novelty will wear out and unless, they can seriously do honest work, their future will be akin to that of Harry's great uncle ex-King Edward VIII. Comfortable but not shining stars in center stage.


The yanks keep playing on the royals treating them badly but all they are doing is treating them as civilians which is what they wanted, you can't pick and choose when you want to be a prince and especially when your wired up and bring a private photographer with ya so you can make money off the event, it was all about celebrating the queen it wasn't a documentary for netflix and they wasn't being rude they was busy as fuck and he should know that, they're not just there for a party the work behind the scenes is insane. Harry is spoilt princess that thought he could bad mouth his entire family whilst his grandad was dying and broke his dad's heart and thought he could turn up at short notice with his film crew and get a front row seat


The queen knew M&H would use that photo for monetary gain. The queen knew M was in it for merching. The kids were tired, over stimulated, and full of sugar. It is a lot to expect a 4yo to handle all that.


Team Royal family! If Harry felt he was treated this way, maybe he should be asking himself why? For all the whining he and his wife has done I’m honestly surprised he was invited at all. You can’t diss your family on national TV every chance you get then expect them to welcome you with open arms. The Queens Jubilee is not about what Harry wants, it’s about the Queen.


The trouble with Harry is that he believes his own HR instead of taking a reality check. Harry would do well to listen more to the people actually involved and be more proactive in his attempts to build bridges if that is what he wants. Expecting to come to Britain on probably the busiest weekend of the year in the RF calendar, and have the RF drop everything that had been planned for months so they could fit in with his agenda, was ludicrous to say the least. H&M weren't ignored, but they were shown that their actions and behaviour since leaving royal duties and their animosity towards the RF were not taken kindly by the British people. The RF itself could not trust Harry to use anything that was said in private for their own financial gain. H&M have a reputation for secretly wearing microphones and recording conversations so who can blame the RF for being cautious.


The queen put out a statement saying the did not ask about the name. The royal family said they will put out statements where possible. The royal family cancelled them. They shouldn’t have lied on the Oprah performance. The queen loves her family. HMTQ showed the queen her future and the statement saying I will serve you will the support of my family.


The royal family will do just fine without Harry and Meghan like they did before and like they’re doing now. The RF were not belligerent, they just were wary of talking to a couple who then go straight to us tv and recount everything that’s said for the world to hear. Seems it’s only private if it’s about them or their kids. Everything else is for the world to see and hear. Can’t blame the RF for their treatment then can you.
And if Harry wants an apology, he needs to apologise for his behaviour towards his family over the last two years. But he won’t because he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong.
