German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives military sendoff as days in power near end

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Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel attended a "Grand Tattoo" -- the highest military ceremony for a civilian -- on Thursday evening as her days in power near their end.

Merkel was entertained by torch-wielding military officers in full regalia, fireworks and songs chosen by the chancellor performed by a marching band. While tattoo ceremonies in the past for chancellors have usually seen upwards of 600 guests, Merkel chose about 200 to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The chancellor is set to hand over power after 16 years to Olaf Scholz, who will need to ratify a deal under which the centre-left will return to the chancellery for the first time since 2005.

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Love how they kept their Prussian traditions


taking the helmets off was a powerful moment


To anyone saying this has something to do with the Nazis:
This tradition, called „Großer Zapfenstreich“, dates back to the 16th century when generals would declare a curfew. It was later finalised by the Prussians in 1813 to welcome the Russian Tsar in hopes of strengthening relations with Russia which worked (more or less). The Bundeswehr has taken this tradition exactly from the times of German Empire with the only change being that the national anthem is played at the end. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Nazis, the uniforms, the torches, the music, they all predate the Nazis by decades…

And if you look closer at this ceremony its actually quite touching. The person who gets saluted gets to choose three of their favourite songs to be played. In Merkel‘s case they were:
- Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen!
(You‘ve forgotten the Colourfilm!)
- Für mich soll‘s rote Rosen regnen!
(It shall rain red Roses for me)
- Großer Gott wir loben dich
(Great God, we praise you)
Then the „Locken“ come which are short calls made by Trumpets (particularly Fanfares) to those who perished, are injured and bombed. Then the prayer comes in form of an instrumental prayer written by an Ukrainian composer, „Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe.“ (I pray to the might of Love). Finally, the soldiers march out the „Preußischer Zapfenstreich Marsch“ (Prussian Zapfenstreich march).
Now, to anyone out there: Does this sounds like Fascism?

P.S. The march at the beginning was composed by von Beethoven by the way ;)


kinda carried away when the troops taking of their helmets its really quite emotional


Germans know what cool style is. Coming from Czech.


Somehow I'm moved, especially by their hats off to her, even though I'm Korean and she's not our political leader.


Why is this comment section so disrespectful? You clearly don't know much about Germany if you comment such things. It's so rare that the military is shown on TV in Germany. They are very careful with their past and Merkel never wanted to glorify herself, she is very down-to-earth and objective


Uneducated folk: Germany is kinda looking sus.

Educated Folk: Brings a tear to my eye.


23:59 - German Military Parade
00:00 - France Surrender


Hello USA, this is a democratic and worthy change at the top of the government.


Jesus Christ, those uniforms

They look so freaking good


Reading some of the negative comments here, may I say to post-WW2 Germans, especially in the 21st Century, you have nothing to be ashamed of. If we held a generation accountable for a previous generation then British, French, Russian, American, and hundreds of other nationalities, including Israeli's, would inherit blood on their hands. A wonderful ceremony for a good (female) leader with impressive German traditions and rituals (all pre-NAZI).


As a girl living in the Middle East, never saw someone ruling a country with such and approval rate. It is really outstanding. Her transparency, her simplicity, the fact that she is not a politician but a former scientist who turned to politics, the fact that she cares about what the citizens who didn’t vote for her think and doesn’t dismiss them
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you elect intelligent capable people to high office, 16 years of growth, prosperity and happiness.
I hope one day we can have a leader like her


Good to see they're confident enough to wear old-style uniforms again!


Say what you will to say about Angela Merkel. When did you ever hear of contraversy during her political career. Let's say her political career was truly transparent with out Stains. Can't say that about some countries.


“I pray to the might of love”
A Ukrainian church choral which fits the situation at the moment greatly.


I’m no fan of her neoliberal policies, but she’s still 10x more likable than any American leader of the last several decades. Imagine having leaders like Merkel in the world and then the supposed “land of the free home of the brave” puts someone like Trump or Biden in charge


Thank you. Thank you very much for your service to all of us, not only Germany.
You will be missed by many.


Ein Schiff, ein Schwert, ein Segel:))


Does anyone know how that first song is called 0:40 its got a great beat lol.
