Kubeflow Deep Dive – David Aronchick & Jeremy Lewi, Google (Intermediate Skill Level)
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Kubeflow Deep Dive – David Aronchick & Jeremy Lewi, Google (Intermediate Skill Level)
The Kubeflow project is aimed at simplifying developing, deploying and using ML on Kubernetes. This session will provide an in-depth understanding of Kubeflow. The talk will focus on the different components that comprise Kubeflow and how we connect them together using ksonnet. We will also give a project update and review the roadmap for the rest of the year. After the session attendees should better understand Kubeflow's architecture and know how to get involved.
About David
David Aronchick was the Senior Product Manager for the Google Container Engine and led product management on behalf of Google for Kubernetes. David has been helping to ship software for nearly 20 years, founding and being part of the management team for three different startups, as well as squeezing in time at Microsoft, Amazon, Chef, and now Google. David is co-founder of the Kubeflow project, an effort to help developers and enterprises deploy and use ML cloud-natively everywhere.
About Jeremy
Jeremy Lewi is a co-founder and lead engineer at Google for the Kubeflow project, an effort to help developers and enterprises deploy and use ML cloud-natively everywhere. He's been building on Kubernetes since its inception starting with Dataflow and then moving onto Cloud ML Engine and now Kubeflow.