Soy Luna Cast Then and Now 2023 (Soy Luna Before and After 2023)

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Soy Luna Before and After 2023 (The Television Series Soy Luna Then and Now 2023)

In this video you will discover the characters transformation of the TV series Soy Luna and how much they have changed.

Actors and Actresses of the series Soy Luna Before and After 2023 (Soy Luna television series).

Soy Luna (English: I am Luna) is an Argentine-Mexican telenovela produced by Disney Channel Latin America that aired from March 14, 2016 to August 17, 2018. The first episode of Soy Luna premiered with over 2.3 million views in Argentina alone. Developed by Disney Channel Latin America and produced by Disney Channel Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the series stars Karol Sevilla along with Ruggero Pasquarelli, Valentina Zenere and Michael Ronda.
In May 2017, the series was renewed for a third and final season, which premiered on April 16, 2018. After the airing of the final episode, Disney broadcast a documentary titled Soy Luna: The Journey which recounts the main actors' most emotional experiences in the series over the last three years.
In November 2020, a documentary/special titled Soy Luna: El último concierto was officially announced. It was exclusively released to Disney+ on February 26, 2021.

Actors in English of Soy Luna Then and Now 2023 are :
Luna Valente - Karol Sevilla (220 episodes, Season 1 to Season 3)
Matteo Balsano - Ruggero Pasquarelli (220 episodes, Season 1 to Season 3)
Amber / Ámbar Smith / Ambre Benson - Valentina Zenere (Season 1 to Season 3)
Simón Álvarez - Michael Ronda
Delfina 'Delfi' Alzamendi - Malena Ratner
Jazmín Carbajal - Katja Martínez
Jimena 'Jim' Medina - Ana Jara
Ramiro Ponce - Jorge López
Yamila 'Yam' Sánchez - Chiara Parravicini
Pedro Arias - Gastón Vietto
Nina Simonetti - Carolina Kopelioff
Sharon Benson - Lucila Gandolfo
Reinaldo 'Rey' Gutiérrez - Rodrigo Pedreira
Miguel Valente - David Murí
Mónica Aguilar - Ana Carolina Valsagna
Ricardo Simonetti - Ezequiel Rodríguez
Ana Castro / Dr. Ana Valparaíso - Carolina Ibarra
Mora Barza - Paula Kohan (168 episodes)
Martín 'Tino' Alcaraz - Diego Alcalá (160 episodes, Season 1)
Catolino 'Cato' Alcoba - Germán Tripel (160 episodes, Season 2)
Amanda - Antonella Querzoli (160 episodes, Season 2)
Juliana / Marisa Mint - Estela Ribeiro (140 episodes, Season 3)
Alfredo Bilder - Roberto Carnaghi (140 episodes, Season 3)
Tamara Ríos - Luz Cipriota (81 episodes)
Emilia - Giovanna Reynaud (71 episodes)
Benicio - Pasquale Di Nuzzo (72 episodes)
Gary López - Joaquín Berthold
Eric Andrade - José Andrés Chiluiza Calderón (60 episodes)
Margarita 'Maggie' García Centurión - Victoria Suárez Battán
Mariano - Tomas de las Heras (40 episodes)
Fernanda - Sheila Piccolo (19 episodes)
Rocco - Ignacio Heredia Molini (31 episodes)
Ada / Eva - Candelaria Molfese (30 episodes)
Gastón Perida - Agustín Bernasconi
Nicolás 'Nico' Navarro - Lionel Ferro

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(Antes y Después 2023 _ Antes e Depois 2023 _ Before and After 2023 _ Then and Now)

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Рекомендации по теме

have a good day friend, continue to produce valuable videos to serve the audience, my friend


Mudaram demais eles OMG 😂 ameii o vídeo eu acompanho seu canal aqui do Brasil 😊🇧🇷❤


Oi sou do brazil amo muito seu canal!❤❤❤❤


Hola Karol, me suplie puedes hacer un patinage corto? Di que si. Soy tu mayor fan de Soy Luna


Luna shoked me and matteo Gaston and Nina


Me encantó como se ve Karol yo hace rato que no voy a México para verla de nuevo yo soy una de sus mejores amigas


My favorite is the first LUNA and SIMON and MATTEO and GASTON.


On reconnaît Yami mais Luna se maquille trop je la reconnais pas 😢😢je suis trop triste Luna 😭😭


Its not delfi and simon its simon and delfi


Du bist soooohhhh wunderschön wie auch immer du bist meine Teddybärin
