Informal Mentorships Offer Mutual Benefits - Neeta Darragh

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Neeta Darragh tells us how she's approached structuring mentorship programs to provide more benefits for everyone involved.

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 The second part is that social learning, and what we do for that is either have a mentoring program, a peer-to-peer mentoring program, or we'll have a set of SMEs that will work closely with these sellers, these attendees of the course, and help them implement the principles they've learned in that training.

We don't mandate how that mentoring is done, and the feedback we've got from both the mentors and the mentees is that because we don't have a rigid structure, it's almost like having a water cooler chat. And because of the informality of it, the mentee and the mentor have both gained from those conversations. You know, the mentors have ended up learning from their mentees, so it's a fantastic way to build that global network within an organization.
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When it's informal we know it is something pure too
