Bright pink L-39 raises awareness for breast cancer

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Pilots Bill of Rights
Remember, three pilots die every day
And this is unacceptable. We owe it to ourselves and each other.
I will keep the airspeed up at all times
I will never exceeded the angle of attack
Above all else I will fly the plane
I will never fly distracted
I will say “unable” when necessary
I will declare an emergency without delay
I will always follow the checklist
I will quickly speak up to other pilots when something does not feel right
I will fly the plane always
I will always keep in mind the psychological factors of flying
I will never fly when I’m tired
I will practice safe decision-making
I will keep the airspeed up at all times
In an emergency I will never try to save the airplane only the people
The day that I become complacent will be…
Add to this list and share it with another Pilot.
