laravel vue js fetch data with axios a complete guide

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1. **php** and **composer** installed on your machine.

step 1: create a new laravel project

start by creating a new laravel project. open your terminal and run:

change into the project directory:

step 2: set up the database

1. create a database in your preferred database management system (like mysql).
2. update the `.env` file in the laravel project to configure the database connection:

step 3: create a model and migration

for this example, let's create a simple model called `post`. run the following command to create a model and migration file:

now, open the migration file located in `database/migrations` and modify it to add the necessary columns:

run the migration to create the `posts` table in the database:

step 4: seed the database

to easily test our application, let’s seed the database with some dummy data. create a seeder:

run the seeder:

step 5: create an api route

step 6: set up a vue component

step 7: update the blade template

step 8: compile the assets

now, let's compile the assets:

step 9: run the laravel server

finally, run the laravel development server:

step 10: access the application

open your browser and navigat ...

#Laravel #VueJS #Axios

Fetch Data
API Integration
Laravel Backend
JavaScript Framework
Asynchronous Requests
Data Binding
Component Communication
Web Development
Frontend Development
Backend Development
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