I Spent A Week With The New Toyota Mirai: Here’s What I Love & Hate About It!

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In this video, Tommy covers all the good and bad points on the 2021 Toyota Mirai after spending a week with this hydrogen fuel cell EV.

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Why couldn’t Toyota just install hydrogen fuel stations at their dealerships


I saw one of these recently for the first time. I must say this looks a lot more sleek and nicer in person. Also the blue paint the car had was so beautiful.


The other day I I was stopped at an intersection then suddenly I noticed a hydrogen car pee on the streets. At that moment I realized I was in the future.


The issue of the fueling station can be solved easily by using them for public transport and taxi fleet through legislation.
Vehicles like this are the future, glad to see mainstream car makers like Toyota and hyundai stepping up.
Japan is pushing for this, simply because they don't want to switch from petroleum to rare earth elements, both of which they have to import
That's how cng (natural gas) vehicles became mainstream in many countries across the world, they setup the infrastructure to replace their diesel buses, and then allowing the taxis and later private vehicles to use them as fuel stations as well


I would get one if I had a fueling station around me.


I have two of them. We love them. As soon as the 15k free fuel is done... Will trade them in. Plenty of power, drivers very nice. I do live in Cali so fuel is no issue. Great video.


I’m more interested in this car than any electric.


I live in the Bay Area of california, there seems to be a hydrogen fueling everywhere. Not sure I have ever seen a Murai in the wild however...
Lots of hydrogen buses though.


In Aberdeen Scotland, we have a fleet of Hydrogen buses. They are amazing, so quiet compared to the diesels.
Plus we have two Hydrogen filling stations that are available to the public (apparently, i don't use them so i'm not sure).
I think hydrogen is the future for heavy vehicles, long distance traveling and people with no off street parking.


This is the future!!! I want one of these


Absolutely beautiful car. It's just a shame there's not more hydro stations. Also one negative would be the water coming out in the winter when driving, instant freeze.


“You’re not lugging around a massive battery” but the Mirai is bigger and heavier than a Model 3 but with less interior space.

How much did Toyota pay you for this?


I wonder what the highway department will think in the winter when your adding ice to the road.


i think battery ev will dominate for passenger and light duty vehicles, but larger long haul applications will use hydrogen.. electric planes will use hydrogen for sure


In my view this isn’t a hydrogen versus electric. These two are the future, hydrogen makes a lot of sense for long distance drivers, and people in cold climates. While electric cars make soo much more sense for the average person.


Kinda curious how TFL is filling up the car since they're in Colorado.


I agree with that, we need more options in the alt fuel vehicle arena!


A while back, I heard normal gas stations can get transitioned into hydro stations. If that's true, this seems like a more practical approach & even cheaper replacement in the long run for gas cars than going down the road of fully electric cars.

It's even more environment & political friendly, 'cause electric cars need lithium, & lithium is a rare earth material. Also, very few countries have lithium; we don't want our next mass-consumed energy resource(s) to have the same dirty politics of oil - creating coups, regime changes, & wars now for lithium instead of oil. I think hydrogen has better multi-faceted future overall.


Hydrogen is terribly inefficient. It uses roughly twice the amount of energy it produces to isolate hydrogen from other elements and pressurize it. Not to mention transportation costs to the facility. It just doesn't make any sense from an efficiency stand point, especially as battery tech improves. Hydrogen is really an energy storage mechanism rather than an energy source. Think of it as a gaseous battery. This might be useful for large transport that needs long, constant power for large vehicles, think trains and ships, where the powertrain and storage of fuel accounts for a much smaller proportion of the Gross Vehicle Weight. But for personal cars, battery electric is the way to go.


Notice the expiration date of the hydrogen tanks inside the fuel door. They cost thousands to replace. The hydrogen eventually degrades the structural integrity of the tanks. Not all of the bugs are worked out yet.
