Tropical Rouge Precure Episode 1 Review

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Our new season begins with make up obsessed lead and a fish girl with a massive superiority complex. Gonna need more Blue Hawaii.


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0:00 Fair Use Buffer
0:30 Part A - Just Do What's Most Important to You in the Moment
6:38 Part B - The Ambitious Mermaid
11:56 Closing Thoughts
13:56 Next Video
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This is the most meme-able first episode ever! This is the season where you really don't have to think too much and just enjoy the wacky events around it.


I know this sounds crazy but what if the villains are stealing motivation power to try to help the Queen of Delays who might be under the influence of a parasitic marine animal. I know when my cat gets ticks she gets very lethargic and ill until they are removed. So maybe it's something similar, and the villains while harming others by stealing their motivation aren't up to the normal villain schtick of world domination. It could also explain why one of the generals is depicted as a doctor as she has probably done everything she could to help the Queen in more conventional ways only for it all to constantly fail.


Me when I see Cure Papaya:

Magical Girls, with frickin laser beams from their eyes


That was a great premiere. Manatsu is a wonderful lead, and her dynamic with Laura is a lot of fun. I like how Laura is sort of sarcastic about the whole thing. The setting is colorful and the animation is vibrant. The music is amazing, OP is definitely better than the ED, but the whole package is great. Looking forward to more of this.


I’m getting Zamasu flashbacks with how Laura referred to Manatsu as a human. Speaking of the mermaid, Laura is an absolute why is she my favorite character so far!? It’s inconceivable! But seriously, what’s been said that hasn’t been said? This first episode is awesome! Manatsu and Laura are likable characters and the entire episode is hilarious. This is one of the best first impressions in the series! Let’s hope they keep it up. Looking forward to it! Good review!


Something I feel was worth noting, when Manatsu transforms into Cure Summer, she does not even take a single moment to question what the heck just happened like Cures of the past. She just promptly goes straight into fighting the Yaraneeda without a second's hesitation. I dunno if that's just me, but I feel like that's a point in reference to Manatsu's determination and headstrong nature. Laura was still being held by the monster, so she couldn't even afford to be confused and just went straight back into fighting for the sake of her newfound friend. Again, could just be reading too much into it, or could be an intentional point in Manatsu's character; You make the call!


I don't think Director Lady actually believes in mermaids, she just wanted to tactfully encourage the little girl's fascination with the ocean instead of crushing her dreams.


We'll given we all agreed this was going to be comedy focused I think we were able to let our guard down a bit this season but who knows maybe we'll get surprised later.

The episode itself definitely had me laughing a lot more than expected and Jesus Christ so many meme faces for this episode. Are we sure this season's main villains weren't meant to be the meme faces precure has had over the years? XD

manatsu is okay. Probably not my top favorite cure mostly cause her red ranger big brothers kind of been doing this trope a lot too but like you said she at least modestly earnest. Although a girl resorting to make up to calm her fears of being attacked by criminals of new York or Chicago makes me wonder if the writers are aware of the certain groups of doujin makers that end up doing precure doujinshi every year lol

As for Laura I will say she definitely replaces rabbirin and previous others who find precures mostly cause this is the first time I think I've seen someone having their own agendas for why they're helping precure as opposed to simply cause it was the right thing so this is a refreshing change to the formula which I say they nailed in a way that balance out with manatsus good morals and nature.

So yeah like most first episodes of precure this does pass like manatsus hair as cure summer with flying colors.

My only question is... WHAT BIG CITY ARE THEY IN!?


Took long enough to finally see this episode! Overall a pretty solid introduction to our main leads/cast. The characters look really fun and I'm looking forward to the dynamic Laura and Manatsu have going forward. I don't really have any major complaints so far (too early to judge) and everything looks pretty good so far. Looking forward to seeing more!


Maybe not 100% my type of show, but was energetic, fun and I really love visuals - character designs, enviroment, all the colors. I hope to watch it and enjoy every sunday.
I disagree about parody of magical girls? It's just comedy for me? More based on silly tone, character interactions and expressions than parodying itself. And for example Laura is just being different kind of "mascot" character - or not a mascot at all, just ally - than making fun of mascots.
I really like what they did with Laura - creates interesting character dynamics and potential for something different with humanoid ally taking "cute mascot" role. Manatsu is a bit... much. I like she is athletic and competent fighter - callback to earlies seasons with "sporty" leads.


Manatsu seems like a fun character even if she falls in the pink lead stereotype. I feel like I've seen more character from Manatsu in the first episode than I did with Hikaru throughout her entire season of Star Twinkle.


This season is gonna be great! Now if you’ll excuse me, I gonna get my paint bombs ready for Cure Papaya’s debut.


We finally get to see the first episode of tropical rouge precure and I have to say it had a pretty good start!
I absolutely love the main lead design! I love the fact that she has green eyes, really unique and rare. Her precure outfit also has the rainbow theme, I just love it! As for the mermaid, I wonder if we will get to see her transform too? IDK if they plan on giving her a human form (I haven't seen the scans), but it would be cool. It would also be cool if they give her precure powers, she would have singing powers, and she can use the power of her voice against her enemies.

Personality-wise, I love the main lead, Natsuumi Manatsu, she has a very "tropical" personality, so bright and cheerful. The mermaid, the complete opposite of her, gloomy personality, and she was racist towards humans, but who knows, maybe that will change the more she interacts with them.
Overall this had a good start, we got a nice introduction to the main character, and they introduced us to the main theme and the setting.


Laura was a blast to watch. It was fun to see a protagonist who isn't a paragon, and her expressions were just awesome. And she does play off off our sweetly naive lead.

I also like that while Manatsu is a genki lead, there are those little details about her and she fits with the tone and stakes of the series. A lighthearted jaunt is what we could really use right now, and this series looks like it will deliver.

I like the look to the city. Very tropical and it's convenient for Laura is has all those waterways, and I'm hoping that manhole was for the stormwater system for multiple reasons. Also, that's gotta be one huge aquarium if they can keep a whale shark. And I wonder if the old scientist knows more than she lets on.

When the MOTW turned on its motivation suck mode, I couldn't help but laugh. For the most part it looks like it doesn't even want to be there, and then it's suddenly *too* interested. Can wait to see how this will look with other objects.

Overall, a great start to this series. Looking forward to see the other cures to make their debut and Azen needing a new meme face folder.


I really enjoyed this first episode. So many hilarious facial expressions and tons of energy. It looked absolutely gorgeous too. I’m so looking forward to what Manatsu’s character development will be.


No surprise that the 1st episode is pretty good. Manatsu is a very energetic and fun character to see, and her interaction with Laura is fun to watch as well. Speaking of Laura, she is the first main character that isn't purely good, she is asking the Precure for help for her selfish reasons, and that is refreshing to see. The villains this time also gives off the same unmotivated energy vibes, and it does give a good contrast to the over enthusiastic Precure.

The transformation scene looks great, with all the vibrant colors and the movement of Cure Summer. The fight scene is very fast pace and the finisher is awesome! One thing I don't really get is the scan and the retrieval of the motivational energy part, I am wondering is it okay to defeat the Yanadera without retrieving back the motivational energy? I hope future episodes can explain that.

For now, this is a good start to this new Precure series, and I am looking forward to where this fun series will go.

P.S. I am hearing a lot of Hibiki Sakura from Manatsu, and this isn't a bad thing.


This was a pretty fun and energetic first episode! Judging by the preview materials, I was totally expecting Manatsu's mom to be dead, with Manatsu keeping that lipstick as a final memory of her mom. So I was totally surprised to find out her mom's alive and well. Then again, her parents don't live together, so I'm curious to find out whether A: this is a Cure Whip situation and she rarely sees her mom because she's so busy and has to travel for her job?, or B: are her parents possibly divorced? Option B would actually be really interesting, as if that's the case, this might be the first instance of a Cure with separated parents, which could lead to interesting drama down the line. Hopefully, we'll eventually get a more clear explanation of why Manatsu's moving in with the other parent.

As for Laura, I have a feeling she's going to fall into the "you either like her or you don't" category. While she obviously doesn't have the most likeable personality starting out, I'm hoping that this'll be the start of her eventual character development. Her and Manatsu, if done right, could learn off of one another and balance each other out. The Cures could help teach Laura to have more respect for humanity and how to be a more kind, caring leader. And Laura could teach Manatsu how to have more clear cut life goals beyond just "do whatever's in front of my face right now" line of thinking.

Also interesting that the main heroine didn't meet the fairy mascot at all, and said mascot was barely seen in the first episode.

As for the transformation, maybe each of the Cures will focus on just one Charm Point, while Summer did all of them because she's the leader? Or, maybe the Charm Points have to do with their attacks? Summer's came from her lips, and we saw in the opening that Papiya was shooting lasers from her eyes, so....maybe that's the "Charm Points" that were mentioned in the trailers?

On a final note, I couldn't help but notice just how much influence was taken from past seasons:
Character designs: Go Princess
Transformation sequence and Compact: Kira Kira
Draining everyone's energy: Smile
The explosion at the end of Summer's attack: Suite
Laura's tablet finding the weak point on the monster: the Cure Scan from Healin' Good
The design of Laura's underwater kingdom: has similar design/shape to the villain HQ from Star Twinkle

Can't wait to see where this comedic season goes.


"Why do we need a human's help?"

I agree, why do humans always get stuck fixing all the problems? Even when there's non-humans involved, humans still get stuck with most of the work.


Great review. This episode was pretty funny and good. Manatsu's transformation and attack were amazing as well as her interactions with Laura was nice


You know, I was half kidding when I said the clam and aquarium are two well known yuri element. But I am not even half prepared with how gay the first episode is going to be! So we have, "fated meeting", "calling each other first name", "gay scenery and symbolism", and even a bloody "indirect kiss". Like holy moly!

Also, I just realize that the main character's name Manatsu, is kinda reference Mana... Two... Okay, I am going to see myself out.

Anyway. This is a really good first episode for me. On top of the yuri and what you've mentioned, Mana feels like a shounen hero to me (especially when contrasted to the more shoujo Nodoka). And that kinda one very obvious thing I observe, I feels like a non-Precure anime (which make sense, because the writer is someone that hasn't work with Precure before). In Precure, the Cures' goal always explicitly to stop the bad guy, in this one, it is to help Laura become queen (which might require the Cures to defeat the bad guy, but that is for later episode to uncover). In other season, MC is clearly shown to be the "Chosen one" (that is the Cure item or fairy choose MC to become Precure), in this one, Manatsu has to show her courage and determination before the item responds. There are quite a lot of subtle, yet stark differences like these in this episode that make this feels like something that more than willing to be its own thing, instead of something that follows typical Precure formula.

But of course potential is not actualization, and we are going to wait for future episode for how this season shapes up to be.

Unfortunately, I am still too busy to consistently comment here. It midnight where I live, and I force myself to comment because how impressed I am with the first episode. Hopefully this season can manage its quality and become the best season I watched (which means out-yuri MTP).

Have a nice season everyone!
