Is Cuba finally collapsing?

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In March 2024, Cuba experienced significant unrest as citizens protested food shortages and surging energy costs. As it sought emergency aid from the United Nations, Havana accused the United States of inciting the protests, a charge Washington categorically denies. This tension has underscored the historic antagonism between the two nations. While the U.S. imposed strict sanctions on Cuba sixty years ago and still criticises its single-party system and human rights record, Cuba resists what it sees as American hegemony and maintains its communist ethos. But are things about to change?

Having been a Spanish colony, Cuba gained independence in 1902 after the Spanish-American War. Following decades of instability, it came under the control of a military dictator, Fulgencio Batista, in the early 1950s. This prompted the Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro and his brother Raul. Following the seizure of American assets on the island, Washington imposed tough sanctions on Cuba. Taking place against the backdrop of the Cold War, this pushed Cuba towards closer ties to the Soviet Union, which in turn sparked the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, as the USSR collapsed in 1991, Cuba faced a profound economic crisis. Despite this, it remained under one-party community rule. However, while the embargo remained, relations started improving under President Obama before deteriorating again under Donald Trump. However, as the Biden Administration has introduced some new steps to ease relations, new tensions have emerged as Cuba faces a new economic crisis that has forced it to approach the United Nations World Food Programme. This has led to demonstrations on the island. But as Havana and Washington trade accusations over the recent unrest, the world watches to see whether this marks a tipping point for the communist regime or just another chapter in Cuba's long history of tensions with the United States.

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00:00 Introduction and Titles
00:47 The Complex Cuba-US Relationship
01:48 Cuba: Location and Population
02:37 A Short History of Cuba
03:46 Cuba after Independence, 1902-1959
05:20 Cuba-US Relations during the Cold War
06:32 Cuban-American Relations after the Cold War
08:02 US-Cuba Under Obama and Trump
09:22 Renewed Tensions in US-Cuba Relations
10:38 US-Cuban Relations and the March 2024 Protests
12:27 The Future of US-Cuban Relations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Republic of Cuba
CUBA | US State Department
Platt Amendment | US National Archives
President Trump Speech on Cuba | 19 June 2017



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#Cuba #UnitedStates #USA
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This is one of those videos I have wanted to make for ages and should have made sooner. (Especially as I have been to Cuba.) So, how should we see the protests in Cuba? Are they protests against the government, as Washington claims, or protests against the embargo, as Havana says? And what broader effect do you think they will have? Is this the beginning of the end of communist rule on the island? As always, I look forward to your thoughts and comments below.


In Spain today, there is a saying, to console someone and put a disaster into perspective, along the lines of "It was worse when we lost Cuba.".


One must also take into account, the role played by Cubans in the USA in opposing the Cuban government, their economic success in the USA and deep political involvement, have played an important role in maintaining the cold relationship between the USA and Cuba.


Filling the huge gap left by media with lucid & informed analysis. Thank you.


Without an understanding of US domestic politics, it would seem mind boggling that the US has maintained the embargo for so long. However, once you factor in how powerful the Cuban voting block is in the crucial swing state of makes sense. The first wave of exiles were the upper and middle classes and have become strident anti-communist, conservative capitalists, that have made their life's goal to maintain maximum pressure on Cuba. It reminds me of how the Russian Emigre used every lever in the West to combat the Bolsheviks.


4% of Cuba immigrated to America in the last couple of years. it’s never been this bad


We want to see Cuba doing well. Much love to the Cuban people from the USA. Unfortunate how our history hasn't always been so good and our governments absolutely hate each other but the people are what matter and the Cuban people have always been welcome here in the US but nothing is better than restoring your nation to greatness and I'd love to live to see the day the Cuban people secure a better future for themselves and their island independently.


Without the revolutionary father figures, it makes sense that the power structures will be tested, and found lacking.


I know Cuba and Cuban history and politics well. Your introduction was excellent--well-informed and balanced. I have always found Cubans friendly, generous, and fun, and the level of education is high. Cuba has a great tradition of music and visual art. Havana used to be such a glamorous city.


I'm Cuban, I left the Cuban dictatorship and came to the U.S in 2022, I genuinely love the U.S


As a Cuban born American and a former History teacher, I give you a 99% on this wonderful video. The only minor point was the Moncada barracks attack was on July 26, 1953 and not 1956. That is when the Granma landed. I truly appreciated your objectivity and deep knowledge of the subject.


Your channel is so needed, especially when SO much misinformation and sensationalism is rampant.


So many international conflicts lately, that is hard to keep track. The 2020s have come fast and furious.


As an American, I have come to view our interference in other states affairs generally has more to do with opening markets for our corporations then it does for supporting local populations right to self-determination, regardless of how our politicians choose to headline it


The US government has no problem having relations with authoritarian regimes around the world when it suits their purposes. Cuba poses no threat to the US.

The Cuban people are amazing.


Well north Korea didnt collapse so dont Get your hopes up


A great topic on the podcast, yet another sub-set of the Cold War that lingers on long after the fall of the Soviet Union. Cuba & the US have so much history of being intertwined with significant acrimony over many decades. It is unknown if the roots of socialism are deeply embedded in the Cuban body politic, or like in some former Soviet bloc nations in Europe where communism was imposed upon a nation & remained unmoved due to single strongman leader.?🤔

I am not from Florida in the US, but the Cuban expatriate community there is so strongly focused on politcal change against the current socialist regime in Cuba that it is difficult to ascertain the pathway forward.

The Cuban community in Florida would probably want Cuba to become the 51st state (LOL), but 60+ years of socialist influences have most likely had deep cultural impacts on the Cuban people.

As people pontificated in the early 1990s that if the Soviet Union imploded, Cuba, north Korea & the PRC would soon follow. But Cuba & north Korea have remained as steadfast nations focused on communism most likely due to strongman political structures, but now the assessment can be that Cuba will remain a poor socialist nation that despite the world around it, will choose to adhere to the framework of communism. This is a great topic to analyze, so thanks for highlighting this on the podcast. Keep up the your great efforts to provide a solid platform for true intellectual dialog.


I visited Cuba in 2001 as a tourist. People were friendly and easy going. I stayed in a nice resort, foods were plenty but not very tasty. Loved Varadero beach, old cars, Cuban cigars and rums. Had Cuba Libre (rum & coke, substituted with fake cuban made coke ) where Hemingway used to drink. I wish them all the best.


If Cuban-style communism is such a bad system, why doesn't the U.S. lift all sanctions and let it freely trade with their Latin-Americans brothers if it's going to crumble anyway?
They fear that a system so radically opposed to theirs achieve success so close to them.


US supportive on Saudi Arabia, but harsh on Cuba. Both countries have poor human rights record.
